- We’re born to live forever: the original design of our body does not include illness and death. Physical immortality is a fact we can live in this life.
- Illness and death are habits evolved over time, as our bodies and minds were used in ways that did not favor life.
- We’re perfect as we are, without the need for injury and sickness.
My articles, books and videos help you build a peaceful inner strength. I teach The Secret to Immortality.
John F. Harrigan, M.S.
“The Secret to Immortality” and How It Works…
Our bodies and minds are designed to live forever. Illness, accident and death are habits that evolved over time, as we acted in ways that did not favor life.
Physical immortality and perfect health are the natural human condition we were born to live.
We’re perfect as we are, but must activate our perfection. Awareness and intent allow immortal expression.
With a simple approach of wisdom secrets and Qi Gong — illness, accident and death are no longer inevitable.
We don’t have to be super gurus, sages or saints to live a life impervious to harm. We do have to practice thinking and behaviors that favor life.
There’s nothing to become; we’re already complete. Awareness of this fact allows immortality to happen; longevity, peace and a pleasurable world become ours.
Inspiration and Hope
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QI GONG AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH: Heal, Be Strong and Thrive!
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- Discover powerful healing techniques
- Have peace and calm; see worry disappear
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How It All Began…