Awareness is the Key to Immortal Life
Awareness is the key to a powerful life; the secret to strength, happiness and immortality.
Awareness is knowing, understanding and being in contact with all of existence.
Awareness comes by finding quiet, looking at ourselves and asking that we know who we are.
Qi Gong helps awareness grow!

When We’re Aware, We Have It All
When we’re aware of ourselves, we have love and understanding.
With awareness, we have the joy and happiness we’re meant to live.
With awareness, we feel:
- Bliss
- Pleasure
- Satisfaction
Be aware, and feel your bliss!
Allow your life to be a pleasure!
Know that satisfaction is deep inside you!
How Does Awareness Have Such Power?

Why and how can awareness do all this? If you want to know: relax, be calm and observe.
Let go of preconceived thoughts; set aside what you think you know.
Set aside what you think is known. Ask that you we aware.
Ask that you know your immortal soul and live it in the flesh.
[Related: Definition of aware, “having knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.”]
[Related: An antonym (opposite) of awareness is the word, “oblivious.” Google]
What Does Awareness Do?
Awareness brings us into balance and connects us:
- with ourselves
- with the world
- with all of life
As people aware, we’re unified and sustained by creation; every need is met.
As people aware, we cooperate with ourselves and life. We’re calm and at ease.
[Related: “Awareness” is the ability to directly know, perceive and feel our soul … the state or quality of being conscious of who we are.]
The Keys to Immortality
Cooperation and agreement are the keys to immortality — cooperation with ourselves and agreement with the way of life.
Cooperation and agreement are essential skills for eternal physicality.

When our body’s cells, organs and mind cooperate, we act with intelligence; we live with ease and wellness.
When our actions reflect our soul, we are eternal and in balance with everything.
In union, we know our part. Conflict free and acting with agreement, we grow and become who we are. We last and evolve.
[Related: An article on “How to cooperate” The Guardain.]
Out of Balance
When we’re out of balance and at odds with ourselves, we lose our:

- Strength
- Wellness
- Peace
When we’re out of balance, we may be unaware that we belong to the world. We may feel weak, confused and depleted.
The Immortal Condition
Immortality is a unified and cooperative state.
Immortal life is:
- Happy
- At ease
- In balance
In balance, we have immortal life.

A Heart of Bliss
There is eternal good all around us, in the world and in our soul.
With awareness, we have lasting value and the best of life.
Aware, we’re immortal with strength and belonging.
Aware, we find wonder in each day.
Technique for Immortal Awareness
For immortal awareness:
- Have a seat
- Breathe easy
- Pause
- Close your eyes
- Relax
- Follow your breath
Practice this throughout the day. Do it as you can: for a second, for one to ten minutes.
As you do the exercise, know you’re immortal, benevolent and good.
When the exercise is done, get busy. Be happy, and live the day!
Deceit and Simplicity
… be conscious and in your body.
The exercise above is deceivingly simple, yet powerful.
Do the exercise with an eternal knowing.
Request your immortality be conscious and in your body.
Create Eternal Life
We’re creating all day. We create who we are and what we have.
This creative process is largely done by habits acquired over time.
We may not be aware of our habits and how we create, but what we do — by habit or conscious intent — makes our lives and determines our fate.
Get Results You Want!
The exercise above, “Technique for Immortal Awareness,” gets us on track to a goodness and strength of our own, to an immortal living on-this-earth.
To get results from the Technique for Immortal Awareness, you have to do the exercise and practice every day, many times … until you think, speak and physically experience yourself with Immortal Presence.
Practice the Technique for Immortal Awareness until it’s is a habit that repeats every second of the day.
Rehearse and practice who you want to be, until you are what you desire, until you’re living the way you want … by habit.
Physical immortality takes consistent practice over time — of thought, word and Qi Gong for Immortality.
[Related: How Qi Gong Saved My Life ]
Your Path to Immortality
Take a look at our free articles below. They’ll answer questions, guide and instruct you to an immortal physical life.
The 12 Steps to Immortality
“Step 4 to Immortality, part one”
“Step 4 to Immortality, part two”
Qi Gong for Immortality
Further Study
The Power of a “Definition”
You’ll notice I have various definitions (also synonyms and antonyms) of words throughout some articles. The definitions may be of simple words, as well as more complex.
Why Definitions?
We often think we know a word’s definition, perhaps imagining the meaning to be simple and exact. This is often not the case.
If you want to know more about any topic, sentence or idea — look up the definition of a key word in that topic.
In-depth word definitions can be a door to unexpected awareness, growth and understanding.
Read and Discover
Read definitions you discover. Contemplate, consider and be open to new understanding; let insight arise.
Definitions can give more than the words they define. Definitions, well-read, can supercharge your growth and development.
In this blog post today, we were talking about awareness; to know more about “awareness,” click on the image below and explore. While reading the definition, think of the words, “immortality awareness.” See what happens? You may be surprised.
The Power of “Synonyms”
Try this experiment: The Merriam-Webster website has a unique feature with word definitions called “Synonym Discussion.”
Read the Synonym Discussion below for the word, “aware.” See if it adds new understanding to the above blog article. Then think of “immortality awareness”; contemplate these words, relax and let go.
Are you more aware? Is the word, “awareness,” more than you imagined? What would “eternal awareness” be? How would you define it?