Immortality and Health
For immortality, strength and health—synchronise with life.

Immortal Strength and Will
Alone, we have no strength. By ourselves, we expire and fail. We need to be involved with life and act with love.
We require oxygen to breathe. We need sun and food to eat. We need security and a place to sleep. For immortality, we must live in love and synchronise with life.
Immortal Life Will Work for Us
All of life is valuable; the world will help and act with us, as we do
what’s best. The world will cooperate as we cooperate with life.
Join with Life and Love
Synchronise with life and love. Join the world and everything that lives. For health, strength and immortality—belong to yourself and unify with the world.
For More on Immortality and Love…
Watch my free Qi Gong videos at: Regular practice will give you stability, strength and love.
See my websites: and