Thought has mass, velocity and direction.
How we think—chaotically or precisely—shapes our world. Chaotic thinking creates a random existence. Consistent thoughts aimed toward a goal, create precisely what we have thought.
How we think—with goodness or resentment—provides the quality of our life.
The Problem: If we are treated poorly, as children or adults, our thoughts may
reflect this treatment. Our thoughts may not be generous or kind to ourselves,
and we may, without knowing, continue our own poor treatment.
The Solution: As adults we have the ability to direct and control our thinking.
With practice and commitment, we can change the outcome of our day and life.
Making change is simple: To change our lives, we change our thoughts, words and actions.
Slowly, gradually and with repeated practice, we form new habits and make the life we want!
Our life changes for the better.
At the beginning, change is difficult. After a few months, change is stable and
easy to maintain.
To change your life for the better, read what I write… here, for free. Practice the few simple
exercises you find. Practice again and again until this practice is your lifestyle, something you
do every day without thinking.
You will have new and improved experiences of your life, again and again, until “something good”
is your daily habit, until “something good” is routine.
This is how immortality life is built.