Life Is Immortality
It's a Perfect Life

There Is No Wrong

When we are synchronized with life, there is no wrong.
All of life is in our favor; we are all of life.

When we are still and feeling who we are, knowing what is
known, we are immortal. Time is gone. There is one moment,

The Eternal Now

Now is the eternal moment. Now is where we are.

Now is when and how we feel the presence of ourselves.
Now is when we’re born.


When We Love, We Know

When we love, we know we are the same as life–as rock, as
stone and dirt.

Synchronized with life, there is no fault; there is love alive
as who we are, love in all of life.

Synchronized with living love, with all we ever are, we know
the peace in us alive, as a guiding star.

We Are Alive

As we know ourselves, there is no past, no wrong to what
we’ve done. There is only who we are, alive and full of love.

Perfect Life

The more we know our soul, breathing in and out, the more
we live as who we are, loving and devout.

The trees, the world and all life are with us in our work.

As we live and shape our way, things constantly improve.
As we know and love,with all our selves, we make a perfect day.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master