Immortality Is Alive Today
Life Is Immortal

We were not born to live for a while… get sick, old, suffer and die!

Can You Believe?

Could you believe, if there were a sensible God, our world would be a place He or She created?

So who made this world? Who has shaped this unfortunate situation? Look in the mirror.

This World Is of Our Making

The “Garden of Eden” is a story… yes. But wise men and women throughout the ages have understood our situation, describing what they knew in storied form.

The world and our universe are an extension of who we are; the universe and world act how we act.

We are creating the “Garden,” constantly. If the Garden is not “Eden,”
we are at fault, not a God or “another person.”

Change Everything Today!

Why not change everything now, by understanding that we change as we live
each day? Why make the same cruel world with the same cruel ending, again
and again… as we do?

Create Something New

Let’s create something new that’s more worthwhile and sensible for everyone.

Why not? What’s there to lose?

Throughout time there has been enough suffering to learn whatever we think

we must? It’s time to change; it’s time to end this unfortunate situation.

Initiate Change

Let’s initiate a new reality by tending to our thoughts, words and deeds
in a different way.. making our homes and lives the Edens they can be.

It’s time to change; it’s time to let go of struggle and pain.
It’s time to end the method of death.

Explore this website. Read and practice what you find. Your life will change.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master