Our Truth Is Immortaltiy
The Cat Is the Cat


When Things Don’t Go Well

When things don’t go well, and life “falls apart,”
the pressure we fee may be resistance to our True
Selves and the Process of Life.

We may have been caught in a manner of living,
acting or working that does not serve us well.

We may not be acting in a way that serves our True
Selves, our Core and Perfect Heart. We may not be
involved in a process of honestly belonging to
the world.

When we act in agreement with life, life agrees
with us as we act.

Getting Off Track

When we get off track… when our thoughts, feelings
and actions are not aligned, life may become difficult?
We may feel “out of place” and vulnerable to mishap?

When we try to live in a way we’re not designed, day
after day, year after year, there may be pressure,
dissonance and mishap in ourselves and our lives
with others?

Our Lives Have a Place for Immortality
Acting as We Are

We May Feel Out of Place

We may not feel or act our best? Life may fall apart?
There may simply be more “wear and tear” as we act
and live in a way not intended.

If we act in disagreement with who we are, we do not
think or react in a favorable manner. Our life becomes
more stressful.

We may get sick. We may have accidents. Our relationships
may suffer?

Are We Acting with the Truth of Who We Are?

Are we acting in the Truth of we you are? Or do
we surrender to living in a way not right of us and others?

We lose our way when we don’t honor ourselves and act
with integrity–aligned in thought, word and deed.

When life is stressful, we may have lost our course… and
need to get closer to the Truth of ourselves. Acting with
honesty gives relief.

Honesty and Truth are Immortality
Honesty and Truth

Acting with Honesty and Truth

Life goes better when we act with honesty and truth,
the cells of our body know what to do. The Force of
Life knows where we are and how to help us.

Consistent happiness and health, accross the masses,
requires an atmosphere honesty and peace. Acting as we
truly are, in an honest and beneficial way, allows this to happen.

We can’t lie and cheat and be happy. This type of behavior
“poisons the well,” creating disagreement within ourselves
and with others.

Honesty Ensures the Balance of Life

We can’t behave in a way dishonest to ourselves and
the world without disturbing the balance of life, the
balance in ourselves.

If we don’t act as ourselves, “Who We Are” may naturally
pass away and die in some way? If we don’t express who we
are, with honesty and truth, how can life survive and express?

We are holding life back from the world when we don’t act
with integrity, when we don’t act as ourselves. The light of
our soul is dimmed, and we all fail to thrive.

To be ourselves, as we truly are, is immortality.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master