A change of habit can create a lasting and wonderful life. Discover the power of habits with this transformational post!

The Hidden Power of Habits

Habits create our lives, the world, our past and future.

In this talk, you’ll discover immortality habits for joy and lasting life.

We answer the question of exactly what to do — day by day — to activate, generate and embody your eternal physical self.

  • Activate
  • Generate
  • Embody

Learn new and powerful habits to turn around the force of death … and have immortal life.

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How Self-Examination Helps

With Mindfulness for Immortality; we look at how we think, speak and act. We examine our habits of behavior, both conscious and unconscious.

We look at what we do without awareness, our autopilot behavior that might be hindering us.

The Secret to Immortality

1. Mindfulness for Immortality

2. Qigong for Lasting Life

3. Immortality Coaching

To begin, we ask ourselves: Do we think of death as an inevitable outcome of life, as an unchangeable characteristic of this world … like a ride at Disney where we can’t much control things?

As we self-examine, we gain awareness and control of our lives. We discover our immortal core.

The One Habit to Break

We suggest the first habit to break is the thought that death is inevitable, a natural outcome of life. It’s not, and just the opposite is possible, lasting life.

A further habit to break is the idea that we have little control over the physical universe and what our bodies do. Instead, we are creating the physical world.

A New Habit of Thinking?

We suggest a new habit of thinking — that we’re born immortal, intended to live forever.

To live in this “forever,” there’s nothing superhuman you need to do beyond a bit of redirection and course correction.

… redirection and course correction are required.

You may have unhelpful habits of accepting death; accepting hardship, suffering and pain. Yet, you can change these habits, and unconscious expectations, to something better — a timeless reality of pure and perfect life; right here and now, as we are this moment.

All of us know we control our lives to some degree, but we may not go all the way with our ability to determine what reality can be.

We’re at the Controls

We’re creating the universe …

With the Secret to Immortality, at ImmortalNow.com, we suggest that you have control. We suggest that “You’re creating the universe in which you live.”

We are the world creating itself.

There may be nothing outside of us that controls our fate. It might be that we determine everything — where the universe and world are basically who we are, and how we’re expressing ourselves.

When we see ourselves apart from life, we lose out. Connected, we live forever.

With destructive habits, we engender a world of death, suffering and pain.

With determined love, we turn around the force of death and live in the immortal now.

A Creation Gone Wrong?

We must give to receive.

Look around you — we so easily accept killing, war and death. We fight and compete to get what we want. Yet, there’s no need to compete with anyone for anything. There’s a need for cooperation, goodness and love.

The world is designed to give, endlessly; but you have to give, not take, to receive this blessing.

The World is Designed to Give

We live in a world where almost every form of life is chasing down another life, to kill and eat it. How wrong can this be?

We can reverse this death response by actions that honor life, not take from it.

Step Up, and Make a Difference

You can step up and say, “Hey, the rules of this creation are wrong, and I’m going to change them.” That’s what we suggest you do at ImmortalNow.com.

We suggest you create a better world by making incremental change in how you think, speak and act. Self-examination is a start, as well as Qigong.

Your Qigong Master

I’m John F. Harrigan: Author, Qigong Master and founder of the website ImmortalNow.com where we teach the Secret to Immortality, Qigong and Personal Growth. You can awaken and grow with the links below.

Discover the Secret to Immortality

To begin a path of eternal life on earth — go to ImmortalNow.com and read the blog and book; try the course; listen to our podcast and join Immortality LAB!

  1. Blog
  2. Book
  3. Course
  4. Podcast
  5. Immortality LAB

Have the best day of your life! You are immortal now.

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Try Our Course

To begin today with the Secret to Immortality, we suggest our new course with a simple approach to our best ideas and techniques.

You’ll discover twenty amazing videos covering all aspects of building an immortal life of character, grace and goodwill.

In addition, there’s step by step instruction on powerful Qigong techniques that lay the foundation for this lasting way.

Immortality Quotes for You!

Take one quote; contemplate and meditate. Let the meaning and value of the quote arise; don’t force it.

Each quote can be a gift that awakens a preexisting gift in you.

Every quote can empower your life, a little or a lot, depending how you use it.

Good luck. Enjoy and get going!

We write the code of creation by what we think, say and do.
Relationships reveal our quality of life. Choose carefully, and cultivate the best.
Experience Your Peace!
The peace that passeth understanding lives inside you.
Heaven’s in our body.

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Full Transcript

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Hello, This is John Harrigan: Qigong Master and founder of the website, immortalnow.com, where we teach the secret to immortality.

Today this talk will be about immortality habits — what do we do, day by day, minute by minute to activate, generate and embody our eternal physical self? We do it with habits.

When we learn some new techniques and new things to do, they can become habits. So let’s look at the bad habits first. With mindfulness for immortality, we look at how we think, how we speak and how we act. And more importantly, how are we habitually thinking, speaking and acting?

To begin with, do we think of death as an inevitable outcome of life, as something that’s structured into this world, kind of like a ride at Disney World where we can’t control it?

We suggest to you, the first habit to break is the habit that death is inevitable, or a natural outcome of life. The first habit to break is the idea that we have no control over how the physical universe, the physical world behaves, how our bodies behave.

We’d like you to get into the habit of thinking that perhaps you were born immortal, born to live forever … with nothing special that you have to do, except think and behave in certain ways. We have habits of just accepting death, accepting hardship, accepting disease, accepting suffering and pain. Yes, to some extent, we know we can control things with exercise and eating right. Hygiene helps a lot. But we don’t go all the way with our capability, our ability, in what reality can be.

With the secret to immortality, at ImmortalNow.com … I suggest to you, we have control over all these things. I suggest to you that life is creating the universe that life lives in. We’re part of the force that is creating a world of death, suffering and hardship.

Look around you — we so easily accept killing, war, suffering and competition. There’s no need to compete and beat out your neighbor for something. There’s a need for cooperation, goodness and love. We live in a world where almost every form of life is chasing down other forms of life, to kill and eat them. And rarely without cooking or good seasoning.

I’m just telling you, how wrong can a creation be??

You can step up and say, “Hey, the rules of this creation are really screwed, and I’m going to change them.” And that’s what I’m suggesting that you do. That’s what we suggest you do at ImmortalNow.com with our habits of thinking, our habitual and unconscious behaviors.

[Volunteers please! This transcript is not fully edited due to time constraints. If you have experience editing, we’d love to have your help and tell you about volunteer benefits. For more info, please contact us today.]

We create the life that we’re living an we’re experiencing. So let’s think more of cooperation. Let’s think more of love. Let’s think more of compassion. And you may say, Well, that’s not going to change anything. Of course it well.

Think of a small group of people who work together. Have you ever worked on a project or have you ever done anything with even one other person were you were of the same mind, the same purpose where you respected each other and care for each other. Multiply that and multiply. Multiply that again, when we work in cooperation, a universe of happiness, bliss and cooperation is born. But we have to begin with the thought that death is not an appropriate outcome for any form of life. It is not an appropriate design for any creation that we live in … oppose death.

And after you oppose death replace what you oppose with something good. We’re going to find our eternal soul, our source of kindness, our source of love and bliss. The whole reason for immortal now calm, the whole reason I teach the secret to immortality is to give you really The life that you want. Everybody wants happiness, bliss, love, acceptance, peace and goodwill. And we’re the ones that have to create it and have to bring it about. So the secret to immortality does that begin today? By asking yourself and this is mindfulness for immortality, what am I thinking? What am I feeling? What am I physically doing? What is motivating me to think, feel and do what I’m doing? That’s self reflection. introspection is part of mindfulness for immortality. And there are three parts to the secret to immortality. The first is mindfulness for immortality, what we’re talking about in this talk. The second is Qigong for lasting life.

Qigong is an ancient moving meditation in ancient healing art, designed specifically for physical immortality. A truly well body has no death. It’s not even thinking of dying. But we’ve corrupted our bodies in this physical world that we live in by this constant practice of killing and consuming. The secret to immortality again one mindfulness for immortality to Qigong for lasting life.

I’m a Qigong master in three and mortality coaching. Coaching is essential, at least it has been for me. I was an athlete and I shared needed coaching and lessons in my various sports and my mother was my first mentor presenting the secret to immortality to me in various forms. She read books on mysticism, various world religions, she was very progressive, but she had her own practice that she taught me and then I met other Immortals. In my final mentor, is that she going Grandmaster from Beijing and he learned from Taoist Immortals in the mountains of China, among others, the three parts again, the secret to immortality that I’m teaching you that we have to offer you are one mindfulness for immortality the subject of this talk. Qigong for lasting life and immortality coaching which is available to you. After you’ve been at this a little while and have a serious commitment to what we’re doing here. What is our mind doing this instant? I suggest to you that there are a lot of thoughts going on automatically in your brain brain. Research shows us that we all have a variety of thoughts going on at the same time. Some of them may be competing.

I’d like you to replace whatever you’re thinking with love, compassion, goodness, serenity and hope. Gee, that’s a lot, john, at it’s not really just think of love our eternal soul. The core of who we physically are, I suggest to you is a piece right now. So let’s think about that and I have Qigong exercises for you on our website to help you get to this more but just simple meditation. If you close your eyes right now, just as simple, Qigong meditation is closing your eyes. From your eyes close imagine you can see to the tip of your nose from the tip of your nose. Imagine there’s a ruby red arc. In the meditations on my podcast, I take you through this again and again. I shut eyes to nose, nose, the heart to Ruby Red arc. Then after you’ve held that visualization for a little bit, calmly observing your breath but not controlling it. Let your attention fall down to your feet and see them rooted deeply into the earth like the roots of a tree and Qigong and in the secret to immortality we are connected to heaven and earth. There’s an exercise that does this. If you go to my website and look around, you might find it. Five organ breathing. I’m connected to heaven, here. And from here I’m connected to earth.

Qigong literally connects us inside to our deepest core. And then Qigong connects us, to all that is to heaven to earth. I suggest to you the proverbial story of Heaven is an absolute possibility. It’s what life here and now should be. And we can create it kind of like the Garden of Eden. Don’t get too far into that story. But in the Garden of Eden, life was perfect in our needs were met. But then things change. And I suggest to you that change was just selfishness where people started thinking they want this for themselves. I want that for myself. When we get into selfishness, we contract constrict the sorts of our life. We eventually have an accident, get sick or die, when we love from our core and share that love with the world. Regardless of how the world treats us, when we love from our core, and share that love with the world we have everything we need. We have all we need in life. So relax become while I’m giving this talk, I’m silently doing a Qigong exercise.

While I’m giving this talk. I’m in meditation while I’m giving this talk to you the second I’m at a place of eternal consciousness in my body and on Earth. I’m not somewhere else. Always in the secret to immortality. Always we teach you to be in the here and now. Don’t separate into imaginary worlds imaginary places don’t dissociate from yourself. The secret to immortality is we’re pulling ourselves into who we are into the bliss into the strength into the happiness and joy, that we all have to experiences ourselves and then to share with the world. Regardless of how the world treats you. Regardless of how the world treats us, we can be happy, secure, serene, and at peace. Maybe not every second, but more and more and more, we can practice a habit of serenity, forgiveness and peace. Practice that all day long, serenity, forgiveness and peace. We get grounded in serenity, forgiveness and peace in the morning and we reground ourselves again in it again all day long. That’s what I’m doing all day long, just like you biologically I’m a predator. We’re all biologically designed to hunt and kill and consume.

We’re all biologically designed to get territory in most of the days. Human beings we were small hunter gathering tribes we hunted for territory as well as things to eat and gather and swallow. We defended territory with physical violence. I’m suggesting to you don’t give energy to the predator and you instead give energy to the saint and understand that you have the possibility of immortality physically within you, that you can act out into the flesh act out into the world, and collectively together, it was one by one we gather with the purpose of physical immortality, peace on earth, goodwill to men, heaven here and now, including everyone, including everything with love, forgiveness and compassion. But what may be missing with you now is owning the idea of immortality, physical immortality, I suggest to you that all of us, even me, we have an unconscious habit of thinking of death as an eventual outcome. as horrible as death can be. And I’m here to tell you it can be very horrible and painful. It can be slow and gradual and no one should have to experience that little children are born, thinking they’re immortal. They know they are when they find out that we’ve imposed this death penalty on them. That is inescapable. Kids are naturally horrified. But we live to learn with that in a very quick in a very twisted and injured way. Anyone all of us who believe we’re heading to an inevitable death, anyone with that belief is injured and twisted inside. Their core is not accurately reflecting who they are and their physicality. Anyone who unconsciously or consciously accepts the eventuality of death has closed the door to a wonderful and great possibility of who they are. You can’t really experience who you are if you’re accepting death as an eventuality, because with that acceptance, you’re turning off all these controls of human possibility of infinite grace, infinite bliss, happiness, love, and life. It is all there.

But the first thing we do is the secret to immortality is we go to our control unit, and we turn down that acceptance of death. Let’s you don’t have to eliminate it, but just turn down the volume a little bit every day on that unconscious habitual thought that death isn’t, is inevitable. How can you ever trust life? How can you ever trust yourself? If there’s a part of you, that’s always playing Planning to die. It’s not the circle of life. That is that is a Disney Fantasy from a movie. There is no circle of life. It’s like things suffer, things die. Let’s say well, there is a circle of life, maybe things suffer and die, and are reborn suffer and die and are reborn and suffer and die reborn. And maybe indeed, that’s an aspect of reality. I’m saying, Let’s not do that anymore. You know, why do if we, if we can stop doing it, which I assure you we can. Let’s stop doing that. Let’s stop pretending the circle of life, things dying and passing away is a natural phenomenon that has a sacred original purpose. It doesn’t. We created it. Okay. We can create the other thing.

We have a perfect eternal life within us and we can honor that and live that out into the world. Screw that circle of life. The Circle of Life includes includes suffering, death, hardship and pain for infants, children, middle aged and elderly people. I’m against that. And that’s what I’m here saying to you. I’m saying in a way kind of shame on all of us for buying into the death and demise thing, shame on all of us for dying and for buying into the suffering and hardship thing. When we have the controls for reality in what we’re thinking saying and doing every day. It’s so much of that is habitual, habitual thoughts, habitual feelings, habitual actions, that we’re not even aware of. The word micro aggression has come into play, come into being popular. And I’d like to you to think of that word micro aggression in this way. We are Constantly acting out in competitions and micro aggressions to people all around us, even in our own family every single day.

That’s why marriages don’t work out or that’s why marriages aren’t that happy and successful. My degrees are a bachelor in psychology, master’s and family relations. I used to teach child development. I used to teach child care how to raise a kid how to be happily married. I used to be a counselor working with children and families. That’s one of my deepest interest. And you can’t really have a deep and wonderful marriage are a deep, honest, authentic and real relationship for anyone if you’re turning down and squelching your eternal soul that wants to live and be as you god bless Disney. I watched the Disney movie on TV a few days ago and I really liked it but let’s give up this circle of life thing. With the Circle of Life thing does is it it sort of covers over the harsh realities of suffering and death and how humans are hurting each other in themselves. And thank God Disney does that. And I watched the great Disney movie a few days ago. But let’s not do that, in reality. Let’s look at the hardships people suffer. Let’s look at the illnesses and pain people suffer. And let’s start really working hard to end that for all the world by working together. And we begin that working together by working on ourselves by becoming aware of our micro aggressions.

And the easiest way to become aware of that is to question how you’re driving your car, how you’re thinking and how you’re reacting when you’re driving your car to work. How are you reacting to people in your car? How are you thinking about people in your car? Perhaps if you’re at ease and calm and accepting what was happening around you on the way to work That vibration, that vibe will be palpable and influencing other cars around you, you might even be safer. I’m suggesting that it is in reality, what can happen.

So just for today, start thinking about your micro aggressions. How are you competing with people? Are you competing in the grocery store to get in the door quicker than other people to get things we don’t need to compete when we cooperate, love and give. We have all we ever need at hand. It’s automatic. It’s who we are. We have a reflect reflective quality a reflects of quality creation has reflects the quality of giving to us what we create, and I’m suggesting go to that eternal loving kind core of you is compassionate at ease, and with goodwill at all times. get to that core and act that beauty That’s serenity net hoping to the world get our website immoral now calm we have a wonderful new course introduction to immortality. Take a look at that you’ll find it on our top menu.

We have immortality lab a monthly membership when you can hear even more of me going far into far greater detail about the secret to immortality. And in that lab that monthly membership I’ll be teaching you a couple she going classes every month and talking about Qigong and be sure to go to our social media. I’ll have our social media listed below this video.

If you’re watching this as a video if this is a podcast, you can find our social media listed below that podcast. We do a video every week and that’s what you’re looking at here. And then we take the audio from the video and create a podcast with that for those of you who would prefer listening to a podcast. You get both of those things, but I highly suggest that you look at our social media we make the same thing available for free of course on social media, Instagram, Twitter, a little more on Twitter, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. We have three to four quotes and graphics every day that can help you through the day. You can just read those quotes and treat them as affirmations and mantras. Each quote will take you to deeper understanding to deeper soul levels of immortality and hood. That’s all for this talk.

Bless you and keep you.

We are the mortal now!



John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master