Essential for Progress and Development
We can’t know ourselves unless we’re known by another.
Immortality Coaching has been essential to my development. All my life, from childhood on, I’ve been close to mentors who have helped with my immortality path. You too can have this advantage.
Immortality Coaching is no different than any other type of coaching for self improvement: academic, professional or sport … a mentor or coach helps us by example, instruction and inspiration.
Relationships Create Our Lives
We can’t live our full potential unless we join with the strength of others and a Greater Power.
Expertise does transfer by proximity, being close to a more experienced person. As osmosis, there can be a type of automatic transfer by association.
Just as a child can benefit by the presence of good parents, we can benefit by a relationship with an effective coach. Both encourage and enable our development.
[Osmosis: transfer from lesser concentration to greater; gradual or unconscious assimilation of knowledge.]
My First Mentors
My first mentor was my mother. In my youth, she practiced yoga earnestly, a student of time-honored yoga wisdom, as well as physical poses. She was a lifelong student of “A Course in Miracles,” with study individually every day and by group once a week. She had friends and mentors in this practice.
My mother read all the great books on world religions, spiritual development and personal growth. We went to a wonderful Episcopal church that encouraged an open mind and personal exploration. I had no limits, intellectually, in my spiritual growth.
In our church library, and home, there was Unity Church literature. Unity has a progressive and accepting approach that looks at world religions and the link between science and religion.
[Related: Unity Church]
Unity’s guiding Five Principles:
- “God is the source and creator of all. There is no other enduring power. God is good and present everywhere.”
- “We are spiritual beings, created in God’s image. The spirit of God lives within each person. Therefore, all people are inherently good.”
- “We create our life experiences through our way of thinking.”
- “There is power in affirmative prayer, It can increase a person’s connection to God.”
- “Knowledge of spiritual principles is not enough. People must live them through their actions.”
Paternal Support
My father was a mentor in a different way; with strength, perseverance, humor and intellect.
He loved every person he met, and they enjoyed him — he had friends everywhere. A man of sizable accomplishment, he knew how to get what he wanted, find solutions and inspire. Foremost was his open mind, curiosity and far reaching intellect. With my father, you were in the presence of a warm-hearted thinker and a man of action.
Both my parents were voracious readers, of every type and topic of book: fiction, non-fiction and textbooks. They would go to the library every week or two, and literally fill boxes with books, reading them all before their return.
I grew up in an intellectually rich and open-minded home, where I was supported in my exploration and development in the world.
My Second Mentor
Of critical importance was an American Master I met in my teens. She was working on her own immortality process called “Translation.”
This Master was a woman elder with an amazing story of how the secret to immortality unfolded in her life, begging and demanding she follow it.
The Woman Elder taught nothing — no dogma, approach or lessons — her teaching was “who she was,” how she progressed and the way she shared this.
She was rarely in public or available, but one day in her home I had a transformational experience, an initiation. She talked of the seed or “physical cell” of immortality at our core; and noted mine was in place — alive and ignited. At the time, I knew she was right and understood that the immortality process she talked about was my life mission: to learn, embody and teach the secret to immortality.
Third Mentor and Qigong
My next and final mentor was a Traditional Chinese Physician and Qigong Grandmaster from China. I met this man in an interesting way.
I had moved to Seattle, Washington, a beautiful and inspiring place; yet I quickly began to have panic attacks associated with a previous anxiety problem.
[Related: Podcast #3, “Qi Gong for Lasting Life”]
As I drove down the highway that parted Seattle, I began to have panic-attack-after-panic-attack. It was unbearable and more than I could handle. Looking for a solution, I found a small ad for a Traditional Chinese Physician in a local paper. I had no special feeling about it, one way or another, be scheduled and went to an appointment, hopeful.
The Solution to Panic Attacks
At our first meeting, I found a humble and nondescript physician what talked in broken English. After some questions about my condition, he began treatment. I felt immediate results with his acupuncture and medicinal herbs, but he told me — for long term recovery and lasting strength — I would need to practice Qigong with him at his weekly class.
I had no idea what Qigong was, but attended his class and quickly improved. My panic attacks diminished; I felt calm and strong. I bought my Mentor’s Qigong video of “Five Organ Breathing” and practiced twice daily, finding it a powerful help.
[Related: Free Qigong Videos]
When I Missed a Qigong Class
If I missed one of my Qigong Mentor’s weekly classes, I felt at a loss all week: with less well-being, calm and personal strength. I would quickly return to the next week’s class!
Again, as with my first mentor and mother, my Qigong Mentor presented no dogma, beliefs or lessons. No teaching of any type, just the presence of the man he was and the Qigong exercises.
The lessons, information and strength came from the practice of Qigong.
The end purpose to this specific type of Qigong was physical immortality: a body and mind without death, fully alive in the world.
A relationship with my Qigong Mentor was essential and powerful, having great effect. As the years passed, I could strongly feel his eternal physicality. The quality of my Mentor brought my own immortality to life.
Books that Coached and Mentored Me
As important as physical mentors, were the books I read.
Here are three books that were influential:
- “Wisdom of the Mystic Masters”
- “Autobiography of a Yoga”
- “Life and Teaching of the Masters … “
One of the first books I read, in my early teens, was “Wisdom of the Mystic Masters,” a Rosicrucian approach to spiritual development. I was so impressed that I wrote a letter to the Rosicrucians, asking if I could join. As a 13 year old, they suggested I wait until adulthood.
“Autobiography of a Yoga” is a classic that I studied in my late teenage years. “The book is an introduction to the methods of attaining God-realization and to the spiritual wisdom of the East. It has been in print for seventy years and translated into over fifty languages. It has been highly acclaimed as a spiritual classic … being designated as one of the “100 Most Important Spiritual Books of the 20th Century.” (Wikipedia)
“Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East,” a volume of six books by Baird T. Spalding, is the most influential of the three books. I studied the Spalding books over many years reading them repeatedly. The books describe an expedition in 1894, to the Far East, where a group of explorers encountered a tribe of human immortals. The immortals shared their lives, taught and explained to the expedition every aspect of eternal physical life on earth, as they lived it.
A Note about Belief Systems
While these books were influential and important in my early development, please note there are no beliefs or dogma taught in the Secret to Immortality. We do not recommend you follow anything but your own soul, the depth and goodness of your core.
Belief systems can provide helpful structure for our journey; yet true growth, guidance and instruction come from the soul, our core being.
To be immortal, we must awaken ourselves by choice, and find agreement with our core self and the way we act in the world.
Today, I practice being myself, with integrity, as well as simple principles for responsible living — treating others with respect and finding ways to contribute to the world. Yet, I deconstruct beliefs that hinder my development.
I use “Mindfulness for Immortality” to inventory and practice helpful thoughts … and so can you.
[Related: Blog post, “Mindfulness for Immortality”]
[Related: Podcast #2, “Mindfulness for Immortality”]
An Invitation to Immortality Coaching
Immortality Coaching is available and recommended for secure, safe and consistent progress with the Secret to Immortality.
To get the most from Immortality Coaching, we recommend you first read our blog articles; listen to the Secret to Immortality Podcast; study our book, “Qigong and Spiritual Growth” and take the course, “Introduction to Immortality.”
To prepare for Immortality Coaching, we recommend:
If you feel the path of immortality is for you, and have a commitment to regular practice, we invite you to consider Immortality Coaching.
When you’ve explored the above recommendations, we’ll be happy to schedule a conversation about coaching and mentorship.
For contact information, please see our website page, “About John.”

Joy, happiness and freedom are within you as you.
You are immortal now.