If there is a “Wheel of Karma,” we can get off the wheel at any time.
If there is a “Wheel of Karma,” we are turning the wheel, and we can make it stop.
Are We Slaves to an Unfair World?
We are not slaves to a preordained fate or the subjects of a caprecious God who is
teaching us “lessons.”
We are at work in the world creating our life, day by day, by our thoughts, words
and actions.
We are not pawns being shifted around a board by a Master player. We are moving
the pieces ourselves.
Rules and Laws Beyond Our Control?
We did not drop into a universe where we are subject to rules beyond our
control. We make the world each day by what we say and do.
We are not at the mercy of fate and struggle. It simply looks that way when we give
up control.
We are making the world what it is.
We Are in Control and Creating Our Fate
We may attribute circumstances to a “God” or nature, but we are in control. We are
the one’s shaping life and nature.
Yes, it’s difficult to look at ourselves and change in an honest way. It is difficult to look
at who we are, to see our legacy of struggle and pain, and say, “This is my creation, and
I can change.”
It is difficult to take responsibility for ourselves and the world, but we can. And we should.
How to Change Ourselves and the Laws of Nature
As we change our thinking, speaking and deeds… all the world responds in a similar
way, as a new born baby in its very first day.