Who Is the Real You?
If the real physical you is immortal, how can you be yourself if you’re planning to die, expecting death to be the natural outcome of your life?
If you’re believing in an immutable world where suffering and death are for everyone and everything, how can you rise as who you are and become ALL of YOU?
When we buy into death, it’s difficult to commit to our full potential.
When we see death ahead as an unchangeable fate, we give death our lives; we energize fatality and make it fact … when in fact, we can change this fact.
Vision is Everything!
We can, instead, live a vision of eternal life in a heaven on earth.
In a physical “Garden of Eden,” we can learn and grow with clarity and grace, without the painful impositions of a life aiming toward demise.
There’s another way to live — with happiness, joy and freedom.
There’s a different way to be who you are, expressing your best. You do this with a choice to honor your core self.
You can live the good of your soul into the world, instead of taking from the world and spending your life in the process. You can receive your bliss, you give it away in one continual motion.
You can be pleased and at peace most of the time … yet this may be hard to do.
In a world of continual attack, it’s challenging to be ourselves. It’s difficult to act with compassion and treat the world with reverence.
We Can All Come Together
When everyone on earth is hurt and afraid — in some way, subtle or profound — how can we come together and express as a heavenly body?
The most powerful change we can make is with ourselves.
We can do this by taking a step in the right direction, a step in owning that we have a say in how our lives turn out, that we have an effect in how the physical world creates itself.
When we understand that we’re not victims of chaos and unfair events, but creators who shape reality, we can begin unmaking the wrongs that afflict us.
We’re Never Separate or Disconnected
What if every created thing, in totality, is one living body? What if we’re not simply connected and related to everything, but are one thing, One Being becoming itself?
What if we have never been separate or apart from anything, but are instead One Thing — One Being Alive, where everything is who we are?
There’s a problem in how to describe the closeness of life to itself, the oneness and unanimity of existence. How to best express that everything is one thing together?
The word, union, in a way, also suggests there can be separation. We can’t think of the words, union, connected, etc, without thinking of their opposites. Words don’t suffice or seem to explain well the closeness of creation. Yet, words lead us in the right direction.
Do No Harm
Love gives life to everything.
If we are everything, then anything we do to harm “something else” harms ourselves. Anything we ignore or deny, acts to negate who we are.
On the other hand, what if we love deeply with strength and consistency, making this our lives? What happens when love is the “code” or instruction we give to the world?
What if love is present as our true identity, but gets hidden by the wrongs of life?
With the right kind of love, we can recreate the world in a kind and generous way. With love, the true world forms itself.
As we become aware of our integrated selves, we sense our immortality. As we leave ideas of disconnection; we join with the blissful ALL of creation.
Purposeful Love
When love and understanding are not in our lives, trouble ensues. Without deep and purposeful love, we’re vulnerable; we can be mislead and hurt.
Love is essential for everything; love is who we are. Love is our soul and core existence.
Real love is eternal and lasting. Love is all we really ever want, all anyone needs; yet we fight.
The absence of love sends life colliding with everything and everyone.
A life without love is chaos, confusion and pain; nothing grows or lives for long.
Anger Is Fear that Depletes and Confuses
Anger is fear, and fear is afraid to love — but love is essential.
For a world of immortal life on earth, we must love. To be our best, we need to share love with the world.
We are love in every way; love rules our deepest human place.
Our heart is our core; it has position at our body’s center. Our heart is everything: its’ flow enriching every cell; its’ presence touching every place on earth.
Our lifeblood is love and little else.
To not love is to be out of control, alone and subject to life’s whim.
We can do better by choosing to love.
Desire and Want
If we love in the right manner, suffering and hardship fade away.
Desire and want — that can accompany love — may kill that love and distort it. Yet, there is a constant perfect love within us, as who we are.
As we become aware of this love, we are the love we have sought. As we awaken, we are love alive to express without restraint, regardless of what others do or think.
Body, Heart and Mind
Every moment, the consciousness of love belongs to us.
We have our own perfect love at all times. We don’t have to generate love or create it; we don’t have to force love to be. Simply, love is with us as our soul. Our love is always here.
You can have love now: look within for the love that’s you! Gently say the world, love, and see this love in your heart. Repeat love as a mantra; feel love fully in your body, mind and soul.
Purposeful love is at our core with continual presence. This love is our identity and animates all of life.
Do You Want Something More?
Have you had enough of hardship and pain? Then love and give love away.
Reverse the trend of discontent. Awaken to the love in your day, body and mind.
Do you want something more from life? You can have it, where everything is a win for everyone. You win with love that’s purposeful, consistent and strong. You have this love within you all the time! The world benefits as you realize and express this love.
Awaken to the Remarkable You!
The perfect bliss, love and goodness in you is pleasurable and ecstatic. It’s feel is divine.
Awaken to your power, to the wonderful qualities within you that you’ve always had.
This is the Secret to Immortality, everything that we’ve talked about today. With the Secret to Immortality, we guide you to your core, the real golden you.
To awaken your best, we suggest that death not be the plan. Instead, try something different — of freedom, depth and satisfaction.
How Do I Make this Happen?
Ok, you may ask, “These are wonderful ideas, but exactly what can I do for freedom, depth and satisfaction? How do I have immortal life on earth”?
These are great questions, and we’re here to answer them with simple directions and guidance.
We created ImmortalNow.com to show you exactly what to do, step by step, for the life we’ve described.
At this website, you’ll find the Secret to Immortality, the process for awakening eternal life.
You’ll discover exactly how to move from hardship to ease, to satisfaction and immortality. You’ll find tools and guidance for comfortable daily progress.
To get going quickly, we suggest iLab and our Introductory Course.
It’s simple; you can do it!

Discover the Secret to Immortality
To begin — go to ImmortalNow.com.
Read the blog and book. Try the Intro Course and Immortality Lab.
And Listen to the podcast!
Have the best day of your life. You are immortal now!