If We Don’t Heal, Pain Can Cost A Lot!

With unhealed injury, we may find safe ways to experience our lives … or so we think. But these safe ways of protecting ourselves, can kill who we are.
With insults not resolved, we may never experience ourselves fully, develop our abilities or have our bliss.
When we’re injured, and don’t find a way to heal, we injure others without knowing. We injure ourselves and stunt our growth.
An Essential Life Skill
Healing from injury — physical, psychological and spiritual — is an essential life skill and a necessary part of the Secret to Immortality.
The be our perfect self, our immortal being in-the-flesh, we must be reasonably healed, well and fulfilled. Qi Gong is a powerful way to begin this process.
[Related: What is Qi Gong]
[Related: How Qi Gong Saved My Life]
Good Enough

We need not be perfect for our perfect selves to express, but we must be well enough that the goodness of our soul can predominate.
Much of the process of immortality is automatic, but we must gain a volition enough to invite our Perfect Selves into our bodies, mind and lives.
All We Need for Immortality
Just enough of goodness, strength and immortality is all we need to transform ourselves and the world.
If we do enough to let eternal love thrive, the immortality process becomes an automatic progression, directing our lives.
The Starting Point

We are the starting point and ignition site of physical immortality.
To get going on your own eternal process, imagine immortal life on earth as your own.
Imagine earth as a Garden of Eden Transformed to everything good and nice as eternal life on earth.
How to Heal from Anything
We heal our hurt feelings by looking at our pain…
- Not running from our pain
- Not pretending our pain does not exist
- Not acting-out our pain in harm to others
A look at pain from a compassionate place allows injury to heal and transform into strength.
When we allow an injury to heal, we naturally forgive and move on. We are then more wise and have a greater strength. We become more able to learn.
The Magnificent Gift
Every injury, harm and pain brings with it a gift.

A mortal life is strewn with pain, distress and confusion — all of this leading to death.
To be immortal, we need to heal just enough to let the process of immortality happen.
We all can heal from anything. Any hardship, injury or trauma can heal and transform into a magnificent gift.
What Can a Healing Path Give?
Compassionate beings acting in love
The ultimate gift of a healing path is physical immortality — our true design and the way our planet is made.
Everyone needs to heal and become their authentic selves.
Presently, we’re born into a wounded creation and threatened by a predatory world acting in harm.
This predatory action is wrong.
The planet, our bodies and mind need to heal and be restored to an accurate condition that fully reflects who we are: compassionate beings acting in love.
Definition of Predatory:
- Preying upon other organisms for food
- Plunder, pillage, robbery or exploitation
- Taking advantage of consumers by greed
- Acting with overbearing, rapacious, or selfish motives
We All Need to Heal and Be Restored
Everyone needs to heal; our healing and restoration brings the same healing and restoration to nature.
Our world of predation — animal eating animal — is a twisted wrong that evolved by unkind choices.
We and the world are restored by healing kindness that brings our eternal soul alive in physicality.
Begin Your Healing Journey
For immortal life on earth, we must begin our healing journey — an authentic becoming of personal growth.
Begin your journey of healing today with this short and powerful video: “How to Heal Yourself” (1:20 min)
How to Use this Powerful Video
Watch the video, then watch again.
Think about the words and what they mean; question what you see?
How can you apply these words in your daily life to get what you want: the healing, care and strength you need?
Use the video as a guided meditation to take you to a healing place of warmth and love.
Watch the video repeatedly until the words and ideas become a fact of life transforming you, healing you and making you strong.
As you watch the video, remember, you must ask yourself to heal. Asking is a powerful tool.
Text from the Video
Inside ourselves is healing strength and good.
All of us can heal.
Relax. Get calm, and look within.
Inside ourselves is a perfect core, the soul of who we are.
With this core, we all can heal.
Our soul is healed, perfect and good.
Our core is always well.
See your soul of loving grace.
Know you’re well within yourself as who you are.
Ask Yourself to Heal
See the pain of your injuries, and let go of the pain.
Forgive yourself and others.
Healed and whole, take action in your day and move ahead!
Want More Healing?
If you want to get going: heal, improve and realize your immortality…
…we suggest:
- Our new course: “Introduction to Immortality”
- The book: “Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth”
Heal, be well, and do your best.
Be immortal now!