(From my book, “Lessons in Love,” pp 149-150)
Learning to feel may be no easy task, especially
for things we have learned not to feel.
Pain is a basic feeling most of us try to avoid.
The pain of rejection, embarrassment or
abandonment can often be denied.
It is natural to avoid pain, but to continually
deny it, or “stuff it,” can lead to misguided
numbness and increased pain down the road.
Even though we fear emotional pain, it is probably
best to feel it as it comes. When we deny it, we
get knotted up and out of touch.
A fearful denial of pain can keep the needed solace
of love away from us. It can block us off when we
need love most.
Fearful denial keeps us from love. Do not be afraid
to feel hurt when hurt comes your way.
Acknowledge pain and say, “I am hurt.” Seek solace
from contemplation, meditation, prayer and friends.