Ask for What you Want
In our quest for immortality, we must ask for immortality, health and wellness.
For a good life, we must ask for the good we want, the happiness, peace and success we envision.
We need to do the work required to get to where we want to go, but we also need to ask of ourselves, the world and a Greater Power.
A Simple and Easy Superpower
Our ability to ask for what we need is really a human superpower. Our ability to make a request is powerful and unique.
We may have a direction and plan, working hard to get where we want to be, but are we asking for what we want and need?
It’s easy to forget the asking part as we move toward a goal such as health, happiness and physical immortality.
What’s the Best Way to Ask?
Asking for what we want is one of the simplest and most easy human powers to use, but how do we ask and of whom do we ask it?
The answer to this question can give you physical immortality and everything you need.
In Step 7 to Immortality, we asked for something important, that our character defects be removed.
We asked a Greater Power to do what seemed impossible.
Everyone and everything, all the world, the universe and beyond can help if we ask.
The force of creation is present and able to assist, if we ask.
The best way to ask … is ask!
An Important Technique for Asking
Try this simple asking technique to get want you want and improve your asking ability.
Don’t be fooled by the simplicity of this exercise. Asking is powerful!
Our asking power IS SIMPLE and easy to use, but we often forget to use it.
The trick is this, we must remember to ask for what we want … to actually ask, not just think about asking, but do the asking.
Asking is something we physically do with words and a request. We can write out what we want for clarity and power. We can pray around our need and meditate with our want and desire in mind.
All the world will come to your aid if the time is right and your asking has a purposeful end.
Exercise: “Ask for What You Want”
- Get quiet and clam
- Breathe easy, relax
- Close your eyes
- Think of what you want
- Ask for it
Ask for what is good for you and everyone else.
Asking for ourselves alone detaches us from our source of power.
Be sure your asking is for something that will enable you to be of service to the world.
The Universe Acts in Our Favor
As we act with good intent — as our immortal selves — the universe acts in our favor.
Understand the world and creation want us to be well, happy and at peace — it’s how we’re meant to be.
To be who we are and have what we want, there’s nothing we need to fight or oppose.
The secret to life working well at every level is cooperation, not disorder and harm.
Health, wellness and physical immortality belong to us, as our true and natural design. It’s what the universe is trying to accomplish; life is pushing us toward betterment all the time.
Are we resisting the betterment of life or acting in-flow with the push of Creation?
The Tendency of Life
Nature acts how we act.
The tendency of nature and this world is to give us what we want and ask for. But if we, the world and human population have been abusive and unkind, this natural tendency can cause us harm.
If we act with killing and destruction, the tendency of life cannot act in our favor. Nature acts how we act.
Our own behavior gives the natural world instructions on how to behave.
Immortality question: What kind of instructions are you giving your body and world today? Are you acting the way you want to be treated by life?
How Creation Works

If we destroy and act with harm, the world and our physical bodies then destroy us in death, calamity and disease.
If we create a world of destruction, harm and pain — we are then destroyed.
Life without our harm, can then recreate the world in a more natural and benevolent manner.
Immortality question: What will be our choice today? Destruction and harm, or benevolence and good?
[Related: definition of benevolence]
The Ecosystem Has a Mind
In biological research, it is found when any one species overpopulates and acts in harm to the ecosystem, that species is corrected by harsh and definitive action, in time.
Ecosystems protect themselves, and one overriding species, acting in harm to the ecosystem and other forms of life, is not tolerated long.
Are we helping or hurting the system-of-life to which we belong?
Are the actions we’re doing today creating something good for the long term?
The World Responds
There’s a response from the world when we’re selfish, destructive and harming.
There is a price to pay for destructive actions. Harm we do first takes place inside us, physically; this harm is then fed back to us from the world.
We live in a reflexive environment where what we do and say takes place first within us, then in the outer world.
What we do is then multiplied and given back to us in an automatic and reflexive manner.
The world is at our command, for better or worse.
What do we want to amplify and have returned to us?
Our Body’s Design
Our bodies are designed to be healthy and at ease; strong and well; intelligent and happy.
The world and nature are designed to serve and protect us with benevolence and love. But we, and all of life, have been misbehaving for a long time — days, years and eons.
The price we pay for acting in harm is disease, suffering and death; we’ve created all this by our own destructive actions.
Yet, we and this world operate best with happiness, peace and cooperation.
We instruct our bodies and the world in how to behave.
We give instruction by what we think, say and do every moment of each day.
Let’s Turn this Around!
It is time to turn things around: from death to eternal physical life, from suffering and pain to joy and happiness.
We Must ASK!
We must ask for joy and love. We must ask for happiness and eternal physical life.
How Will You Ask?
Keep it simple: if you have a Greater Power of your understanding, ask that Power or Concept.
If you’re an atheist or agnostic: ask of your deep self and this world … knowing you control, create and give life to this physical existence.
Ask for It!
Ask yourself for what you want.
Ask your body to be the body you want to be.
Ask in a kind and gentle way … of yourself, your body and all of life.
Ask of yourself and the world to be and act as you desire.
Ask for what you want today!