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Healing and Surrender
The Secret to Immortality is primarily about healing and surrender: healing wounds that keep us from our soul and surrendering to a greater love.
This greater love, we suggest, resides in our soul. When we’re injured, harmed or traumatized, we’re cut off from our soul and can’t experience this true love.
Where Injuries Begin
For everyone, the injuries of life begin in childhood and progress forward from that point. We’re injured by our relationships with the world … by other people, nature and death.
As we’re injured, in self defense, we may put up a wall to protect ourselves. This is normal and helps us to survive, in the short term. The problem is that this wall can eventually cut us off from our soul, the deep and wonderful love that we are.
We need to experience the depth of our human love to live, develop and grow. Without this love, we lose our way, and life gets tough.
Living with a Wall of Self Defense
With a wall of self defense, we can’t breathe the spirit of life or be ourselves. We can’t feel the love we have. Without the experience of our soul, life gets tough and becomes a fight; suffering and death result.
There is a solution — with the Secret to Immortality, we can heal and become strong. With the Secret, we can surrender our rugged defense, and let love come to life.
[Related: About the Secret to Immortality]
Free yet Protected
As we find the happiness of our soul, we become free and protected. We no longer need to defend ourselves, and our wall can come down.
With our soul alive and expressing, we know who we are. Life gets better; love appears and lasts forever.
We All Have Been Harmed
With the Secret to Immortality, we learn to:
* Heal from Injuries
* Surrender to Love
* Give Grace to the World
Everyone in life has been harmed in some way. It begins with birth — which is a struggle, trauma and pain for both mother and child.
In the best scenario of childbirth, love quickly comes where the child is bonded to the mother and pain resolves, but does it?
Life has pain, disease, accident and death. We may ignore this, and pretend it doesn’t happen … unless we have a bad experience.
The Answer to Our Pain
There’s a great solution to to every form of human suffering; it’s the Secret to Immortality.
The Secret is this: we have all we need — here and now — to be joyful, free and physically immortal.
Death, disease and suffering are health problems that come from a lack of awareness and personal growth.
When we’re aware of who we are, and how we’re designed to live, life unfolds with kindness and grace; accident, death and injury fall away.
Everything that leads to death also causes suffering, pain and all life problems. When we resolve and address the problem of death, other life challenges diminish. We find a freedom, strength and sense of self we did not previously know.
A Strong Suggestion
We suggest that everyone is born to live forever, to progress and develop with peace, compassion and care. The Secret to Immortality shows you exactly how to do this.
The Secret to Immortality is an unlimited lifestyle, while the present way of living limits so much of what we can do or be.
The Secret to Immortality gives us freedom to choose our life experience. Everyone deserves this opportunity, would you agree?
Back to the Future
If you’ve read my life story, you know I faced health crises where I was told I would die. Well … I’m still here many years later, feeling the best of my life. Do you want to know how I did it?
[Related: My Life Story]
I recovered my health, gained my strength and began the path to immortal physical life … with a specific methodology. It’s nothing new, and eternal humans have been living this way for eons.
I used the Secret to Immortality to heal, recover and grow; you can too.
A Three-Fold Process
The Secret to Immortality is a three-fold process that includes:
1. Mindfulness for Immortality
2. Qigong for Lasting Life
3. Immortality Coaching
With Mindfulness for Immortality, we discover the thoughts, words and behaviors that lead to eternal physical life.
[Related: Mindfulness for Immortality]
The second part of the Secret to Immortality is Qi Going for Lasting life. Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese healing art for wellness, strength and physical immortality. Qi Gong has existed for thousands of years and is the origin of Traditional Chinese Medicine and most martial arts.
[Related: About Qi Gong]
Immortality Coaching is the third piece of the Secret to Immortality.
Coaching allows you to work with someone farther upon this path who can help you in a powerful way.
I’ve used the Secret to Immortality to recover from untreatable illnesses that were heading toward certain death. I’ve used this Secret to heal, develop and grow in a wonderful way — mentorship and coaching were essential.
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Be happy, well and free. You are immortal now!