Peace Can Be Found!
If we ‘re constantly reacting, life can be an argument that never ends.
We Have Control
When we react, we’re not in control; we can’t guide our life and plan our day.
There Is Opportunity
By reacting–to good, bad or indifference–we lose an opportunity.
Focus and Power
In a state of reaction, we are distracted. Reactions can
short-circuit our brain.
Breathe easily instead.
When we react too much, we fail to live. When life is constant reaction,
we have no power, and our best abilities are never put to use.
Regain Your Life!
Reactions can seduce us into giving up our life. Be yourself instead.
We All Have Wisdom!
Get calm. Find peace and observe the real you. Observe with awareness,
not reaction. Observe the force of life in opposition. Peace will come.
Peace and Calm Are Here!
Qi Gong results in strength, peace and calm.
Have peace now, by doing Qi Gong Warm Up, Parts One and Two below:
Part One
Part Two