Going with the Flow Can Lead to Death
Going with the flow is good until the flow leads us over the falls to a violent end.
Going with the flow, or following the crowd, is natural at times. To get anywhere in life, to succeed and do well, we need to cooperate and get along.
Yet, the masses are marching to their graves, suffering and dying for various reasons. In this case, we may want to look again at going with the seeming “flow of life.” We may need to look at the direction our daily living is taking us.
For immortality, joy and freedom … we may want to change our course.
Going with the flow is good enough until the flow leads us over the falls to a violent end.
To be calm, at ease and drama free is a noble pursuit — but not the full requirement for immortality
A Greater Search Is Required
Immortal physicality is not a passive acceptance of life the way it is, but requires a greater search and more diligent question of ourselves and the world.
Eternal physical living demands an earnest search for the absolute quality of who we are, in a rigorously honest way.
To have lasting life, we’re required to know our immortal core, the perfect life within us, and breathe this essence in our day.
The Experience of God Is Not Enough

We can experience God, a Higher Power Consciousness — and still be lost — having flawed ideas of who we are and what we’re doing on earth.
We can experience a Perfect Peace, and think we’re absolutely right about our thoughts and actions, when we’re flat-out wrong.
Our Mortal Filter Leads to Death
The problem is this — we may have a death creating filter, or broken lens for looking at the world, that:
- Misinterprets life
- Makes bad decisions
- Gives wrong information
This mortal filter may have evolved over eons of harsh, unacceptable and predatory use.
As a consequence, we can have a twisted filter that we use to live our lives.
[Mortal: fatal, causing death]
[Filter: something that acts as a filter such as our neurology, genetic formation and psychological mind-set.]
[Predatory: preying on other organisms for sustenance, food and survival]
A Vision that Leads to Suffering and Pain
Our filter my be broken.
A broken filter’s interpretation of life can lead to death and harm for everyone, no matter how “good” we imagine our actions to be.
The broken filter, in common use today, was perhaps born of evolved predation — the fight of life taking life — that formed over millennia of killing.
A broken filter like this can lead to death and hardship for everyone if not challenged and changed.
The “Higher Power” Delusion
We’re capable of experiencing God, a Higher Power and Peace … then living through our predatory filter deciding harmful ideas are justified, when they never are.
Love and compassion are the only lasting reality.
We can experience a Greater Force and marvelous Sense of Power within ourselves, and as a group, then believe we have a mandate from this power to carry out our mortal plans, when nothing could be farther from the truth.
An experience of the Divine or Higher Power alone — is never enough — and does not lead to lasting life on earth or anywhere else, if we don’t address a malformed filter that interprets this world as a competition for survival.
Beyond the Flow of Life

The character of Immortal Life is love and acceptance, forgiveness and understanding.
There is an eternal nature within us all, that’s beyond the flow of a well-lived-life.
Our eternal nature does not fight or harm, but is a presence of benevolence and peace.
[Benevolence: kindness, charity, love; the will to do good]
How to Use Our Minds
Immortality requires the “intent” to see things as they really are, to know ourselves within the context of life, to perceive and understand the harms we do … while correcting ourselves and improving.
We must think, evaluate, discard and accept.
In life and immortality, we’re required to think of bit, to decide what we want and make a choice by what we do.
The Choice We Must Make

Act from your core of eternal life.
There’s an immortal quality, to everyone and everything, that’s beyond the creative play of life. This quality is at the core of existence.
This quality of life is constantly with us as a choice we can make every second of the day — to act from our core.
As we practice this way of life, momentum builds; we’re carried by goodwill and grace.
It can be challenging to get immortal life going, to oppose and resist the idea of death … but as we employ our souls in this manner:
- Happiness and joy arise
- Benevolence embraces us
- We live with eternal consciousness
As we practice the choice to live in bliss and lasting life, that choice becomes a fact. The choice becomes who we are and the way we move in the world. With our decisions, day to day, we can build a reality of eternal life on earth.
Let’s make it good, and choose our way to a wonderful life!
A Broken Filter to Be Fixed

At our core of immortality, there is no flow; there’s only Perfect Being we can live.
The flow of life is not enough to grant us peace; there’s more to who-we-are than divine reflection and sequestered solitude … we have a broken filter that must be repaired.
All the meditation, daily reflection and sacred experience we can have, alone, will never fix a wrongful human perception.
Spiritual habits may bring us peace, serenity and insight … but the flaw in our filter is not repaired by these practices, without strong human interaction.
A Program of Improvement
There still exists a disabled condition formed by eons of wrongful acts. To rehabilitate our filter, we need a program of improvement that includes feedback from other humans.
We can’t see, or fully be ourselves, if we’re not connected and involved with other well-intended people.
Action and feedback, in the world, are required to repair a filter that gives bad information.
[For Immediate Filter Repair, Try Our Course ]
There’s Something You Must Do
We’ve acted our way out of heaven with hellacious directive … but there’s a way back.
Choose to be immortal.
We have an immortal soul that needs life on earth and physical presence. This immortal quality of our core is who we really are; without it, we never really live.
The immortal mind has no predation filter, no us v.s. them, no good or bad where the bad must be vanquished if we’re to prevail.
Choose lasting life, compassion and love. Dare to be yourself while not opposing anyone else.
The Portal to a Better Life

The immortality filter — at work on earth — is not a filter at all, but a Portal of Divine that delivers compassion to every worldly situation and trouble.
The immortality filter is a conduit of infinite good, of perfect love and lasting peace. It makes no decisions and has no “ideas.”
Be Immortal; Be Yourself
We’re more than any flow or creative act.
To be immortal, we don’t need to go along with any type of flow, but simply be ourselves in a deep and lasting way.
We’re Sacred Souls upon the earth; but we must think, speak and act in a sacred way to have eternal life.
Six Steps to Happiness, Joy and Immortality
To diminish your death causing reactions — and build a filter for happiness, joy and immortality — we suggest the following steps:
- Read our blog articles
- Try Qi Gong for Immortality
- See our weekly videos on Youtube
- Look at our book on Spiritual Growth
- Get our Free Report on how to live forever
- Begin the Introduction to Immortality Course
We wish you the best and want you to be all you can be.
Happiness, joy and immortality can be yours, with a little effort.
You now have all you need. It’s time to get to it!