Your Qi Gong Master
Hello, this is John Harrigan, your podcast host. I’m an author, Qi Gong Master and founder of the website where we teach “The Secret to Immortality.”
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Let Go of Death
You are immortal now, but it may take gentle and consistent instruction to bring forth the eternal nature of your physical being … letting go of death.
Nirvana Is Here!
Feel the strength, happiness and bliss of every cell of your body, alive with life. Know you are in heaven now, on earth as you are. Nirvana is here!
Enjoy this activation of YOUR best: the calm, happy and perfect self at your core.
We’ll Be Your Guide
Let us guide you, day by day, upon this magnificent path of immortal life — showing you exactly what to do for the positive results you want. Try the following suggestions.
Immortality Book for You!
See our book that shows you exactly what to do for human immortality, “Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth,” on Amazon
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Discover the Secret to Immortality
To begin your path of eternal consciousness — go to and read the blog and book; try the course and join Immortality LAB!
Have the best day of your life. You are immortal now!
Complete Podcast Transcript
Hello, this is John Harrigan, founder of, where we teach the secret to immortality.
Today we’re going to do immortal body, immortal mind exercise. It’s a visualization and activation of our immortal physical self.
Before we get going, we suggest there’s oneself just that eternal, special you, that’s your body, this reality that’s right here and now and nowhere else. So let’s get going on this exercise to activate the physical immortality in every cell of our body and being.
To begin, relax, close your eyes. Observe your breath, but don’t control it. Everything we do is done with gentle will or no will at all really, gentleness, gentleness, and slight intention.
With your eyelids shuts, imagine you can see through your LEDs to the tip of your nose from the tip of your nose visualization ruby red arc, coming out about three to four inches and turning into your heart. Hold that visualization eyes to nose, nose, the heart and then ruby red arc. Just hold that gentle visualization here.
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And now in our bodies, nowhere else we’re nowhere else but here. Tap your feet briefly on the floor and let your vision go from eyes to nose, nose to heart and ruby red arc. And let your attention fall down your body to your feet where you see yourself routed about 10 or 12 feet deeply into the earth ground, eyes to nose, nose to heart and Ruby read our feet to ground, eyes to nose, nose to heart feet to ground. The Immortal physical U is here. And always has been. It’s the real you. We’ve just been running our bodies on kind of a reverse system, energetically, where we’re instructing our bodies to die, to get sick, when we’re creating calamity and accident and unpredictability in our lives. And instead we’re going to a deep, deep personal place a nirvana of bliss, a love, a compassion and understanding that is who we are that is our self that we share with all the world all creation and beyond. This is an eternal reality. And we suggest it is the reality right here on earth that we’re in heaven. Now. We’ve just given the world in this creation instructions that aren’t too nice, that harm and destroy. So we’re moving beyond or we’re just letting go of the expectation the conscious or subconscious idea that we’re born to die we’re not we’re born to live we suggest as an eternal being. suggesting that’s who we really are our have always been with that in mind in this exercise in this moment in this instant, eyes to nose, nose to heart and a Ruby read our feet to ground. observing our breath, our attention goes to a general awareness of our physicality of our being right here. And now. As you’re aware of your body, you’re being in a gentle, kind, gentle way with no well at all. You may see that you’re physically immortal, that every cell is alive with an immortality with a knowledge of who and what it is. And an eternal bliss, a loving nature, a compassionate presence. Our physical being is this love this perfection, this happiness, this bliss and every cell of our body. Well healthy, alive and strong, intended to live,
to create, to be to live to create to be in love, compassion, bliss. We’re here physically every cell in our body, eternal, immortal and love is who we We are, every cell in our body is who we are working together in cooperation, all the cells of our being in our body, in all the existence, everything that comprises the world is also who we are in perfect love, perfect bliss, perfect harmony, every person, every tree, every photon of light, every planet, everything that is and everything that hasn’t been, yet exists, beneath all that has been and is, is a perfect bliss, a perfect love here and now. We’re here in a Nirvana and a hope, and a wish and a prayer and everything that’s good we are reality as who we are, and our body and our heart, our soul, the soul, the core of our being, eternal, physical alive, the flesh, our physical being, is beauty is love or physicality, is bliss. Every cell feels happy, alive and well. And pleasurable, happy, alive ever so of our being, it’s pleasurable to feel our balanced self. It’s pleasurable, to feel our bodies alive in cooperation, with every good thing that there is, with heaven with nirvana. We’re there now literally on Earth, haven’t nirvana. It’s just a slight shift of consciousness and gentle decision, to live and to have pure life, or constant presence, to live in that to grow in that life. And that awareness, life, eternal life, bliss. Immortality, here now is who you are. We’re going to wind down the exercise the mortal body immortal mind, eternal, you immortal body and mortal mind eternal, you gently do this one or two times a day, for a few minutes, or more or less whatever feels right. But we’re reprogramming ourselves physically a bit, moving away from the idea that the inevitable end that life has an inevitable end when we suggested doesn’t at all, never hands. We’ve just created something that’s kind of unnecessary. suffering, pain and death. We don’t really need with the secret to immortality at immortal That’s all for now. Repeat the exercise once or twice a day. You are immortal now.