“Finding Peace” consists of simple instructions for relaxation that work together with the “Qi Gong Warm Up.” By doing this exercise you will develop new:
Balance, peace & strength.
By repeating this exercise, you will gain greater balance, peace and strength!
Remember: Problems are complex; solutions are simple and quick. But you may have to practice and repeat the solution to get the desired effect? So practice and repeat “Finding Peace.” Two or three times a day are enough with sessions of 7 to 12 minutes.
The body and brain naturally know how to relax, gain strength and find peace–it is our design. We simply need to provide the right setting and the best circumstances. Peace will come; strength will grow. The secret is practice and repetition.
“Finding Peace” – Part I
- Find a quiet and restful place to sit.
- Close your eyes, and place each hand’s palm down on the top of your legs.
- Begin to breathe in an easy manner.
- Observe your breathing; do not control it.
- By observation, you may notice relaxation taking place, but don’t force relaxation to happen.
- Feel and notice your muscles from head to toe.
- Gently suggest your muscles relax and let go.
- Gently observe your breathing again.
- Relax your brain and nervous system.
- Observe your breathing one more time.
- Relax your muscles again from head to toe.
- Play Part One of “Qi Gong Warm Up” below…
“Finding Peace” – Part II
- With your eyes closed, imagine you can see through you eyelids.
- Imagine you can look to the tip of your nose, in an easy and relaxed manner.
- You are now looking through closed eyelids to the tip of your nose, pretending you can see.
- From the tip of your nose, imagine a ruby red arch going out from your nose and curving into your heart. Hold this image for a few seconds.
- Breathe easy, in and out. Relax.
- Visualize your feel rooted deeply to the ground, as a tree.
- Repeat steps 1 through 6.
- Play Part Two of “Qi Gong Warm Up” below…
This is the end of the exercise.
The secret is practice and repetition, doing it again and again. Strength and peace are waiting for you; they are your design. Make it happen, and do it again.