Immortality, How We Create It
We create ourselves and the world by how we act and think: this process can be slow and evolutionary, yet sometimes fast.
Most of how we live and manifest is habit, without much thought. We do what we see others doing. We think what others think. We believe what we’re told to believe. Yet, our behavior and thinking are a choice we make.

For Control, Inventory Your Life
To activate your immortality, you need to examine your beliefs and thoughts. Do you believe death, accident and disease are inevitable? Do you imagine death is the natural end to every span of life?
If you want a future of unlimited possibility, you need to stop beliefs that are holding you back.
What are you thinking, saying and doing?
Immortality Habits
Small and unconscious habits can lead you to the grave. How are you planing to age — with vitality and wisdom, or disregard and resignation? Do you really want to die, or live forever in a wonderful way? Yes or No?
What would you create for yourself, and everyone else, if you could make something good? What kind of world would you design if you had control?
Here’s a little book on Amazon you might like!

We Have Control
We have control over the quality and length of our lives. We determine if we live or die.
Look at life as it is now: with illness, death and accident. Does anyone really want to live this way? How can we escape?
[See The Power of Willpower — my article on how to use your will to get what you want.]
The Great Escape from Suffering and Death
The great escape from suffering and death can happen a simple way — by changing our thoughts and how we behave.
You might think you have little effect on the laws of nature and the fate of the planet. Not true! Our world and physics are directed by the sum of everyone’s actions.
To initiate change, only one person is needed. Only one individual has to shift their behaviour. Good ideas catch on when the time is right. A movement to improve the world begins and spreads one person at a time, like dominos.
As one person shifts their thoughts, another can follow. One person can start a tidal wave of transformation. The action of one, as it becomes many, can change reality.

[Check this Site for Great Quotes]
Join a Brave New World
Make a decision about what you want for yourself and the world. How about something better than suffering and death? How about a world were we evolve in perfect health?
We can make this change one person at a time, then two and three, as we look in a new direction.
As progress is made, a wave of change falls over the earth; mistakes are unmade. Good deeds become easier to do. Suffering ends. We all begin to live in one moment, the moment where life begins.
Immortality Is Only a Word
The word, immortality, exists to counterbalance the reality of death and demise. As we live with integrity and love, there becomes no death or accident. When we live as perfect souls upon the earth, the word, immortality, is no longer important.
We’re in the Garden of Eden
A wonderful life, a Garden of Eden, is here right now. Yet, we’ve been planting difficult seeds.

For more about The Garden of Eden…
We’ve been planting a garden of cruel and contrary harvests. We can, instead, grow as perfect love and joy. We can be who we really are, with the world supporting our lives. To have this good, we must instruct the Garden to grow a different way, with grace and goodwill.
This world of ours, this Garden where we live, gives back to us the actions we express. We and life are a Genie in a Bottle — our thoughts, actions and habits tell the Genie what to do. Our beliefs and subtle behaviours seed the Garden.
Immortality Is a Choice
It’s our choice what life will be. It’s our doing that forms reality.
Make the choice you want. Be the future you envision.

The idea of immortality will not be needed when we’re living well. With endless love and perfection, life and death won’t be a concern.
You can live better now. To have goodness and lasting life, build this reality by what you do, think and say.
Make a better world today!
[See The Power of Willpower — my article on how to use your will to get what you want.]