We Create the World and Ourselves
We’re creating the life we have; so why not make it eternal, exceptional and good?
Find Your Soul!
Get to know the love, compassion and infinite joy within you. You can if you try a little and practice some essential tips.
The First Thing to Do
First, dispense with the idea that death is a natural outcome of life; we suggest it’s not … with death and hardship being what we bring forth by denying who we are, by not being true to ourselves.
We’ll Be Your Guide
Let us guide you, day by day, on your immortal life awakening. We’ll show you exactly what to do for the lasting results you want.
To get going, we suggest the following four steps.
Discover the Secret to Immortality
To begin your path of eternal being — go to ImmortalNow.com and read the blog and book. Try the course, then join Immortality LAB!
Have the best day of your life. You are immortal now!
Complete Podcast Transcript
Hello, this is John Harrigan with the Secret to Immortality Podcast, where we teach you how to be healthy, how to be healthy, strong, happy and physically immortal.
The secret to immortality is actually very simple. Everyone uses it every day: What we think, what we say and what we physically do create our lives, for better or ill.
When we slowly or quickly change our mind, change our bodies, change what we physically do and say — a great change takes place within us and in our world.
Everything about us — who we are — can be transformed, improved and made eternal; we can find our eternal self, our eternal soul. But it takes a little searching, a little practice and self evaluation: evaluating what we’re thinking, what we’re saying, and what we’re physically doing — what we’re thinking, what we’re saying, what we’re physically doing.
A lot of what we’re doing, most of what we’re doing is actually unconscious, it’s automatic, and it needs to be. You don’t need to think through how to tie a shoe every time you do it.
Maybe at the age of four or five you did. I remember when I was learning to tie a shoe, and with three sisters, two of them were showing me how to do it. And I just couldn’t do it. But the day came when something just clicked in my little brain where I could tie that shoe. And the Secret to Immortality is the same. It takes practice.
It takes introspection, with the benefit and help of someone who’s been down the path, who is presently doing the work and who’s a little farther ahead of you. And that happens with immortality coaching, the secret to immortality that we teach on our website immortalnow.com That’s immortalnow.com, where we teach the secret to immortality in three parts.
Part one is mindfulness for immortality; part two is qi gong for lasting life.
Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese meditative art. We go into that quite a bit on our website.
The third part of the secret to immortality is immortality coaching when you work with another person.
Again, the secret to immortality, at immortalnow.com in three parts: one is mindfulness for immortality, two is qi gong for lasting life.
You can learn about qi gong on the website and see a free video.
And part three of the Secret to Immortality… immortality coaching
Three parts … mindfulness, Qigong and coaching. And that’s how we transform.
This secret to immortality, again and again, I’ll tell you it’s no secret! We’re creating this world we live in. We’re creating it by our thoughts, our words and our deeds.
And I suggest to you, when we think in a different manner … and what are beliefs, beliefs are just thoughts. I personally don’t have a lot of beliefs, and I try to undo them when I have them, so I can just experience the perfect bliss of existence, the perfect bliss within myself that is also within everyone else. And thoughts and beliefs get in the way.
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Where thoughts thoughts are important is like what I’m doing right now I have to think about what I’m going to say, and use my thoughts a little bit. But for the most part, when I inventory my thoughts, if I just let them roll they can, most of them can really be worries that I’m working through our past injuries. And with a secret to immortality, we teach you how to let go of injuries, we teach you how to slowly sort of peel that onion and let go of harm that’s been done to us beginning at the beginning. The creation, the way that we have set it up here is really a difficult and harsh reality for everybody. At best, you know, life goes well if we’re lucky, and we can kind of ignore and deny the harshness of life to a certain point. But I assure you if you live long enough and you outlive your loved ones, you’re in store for some pretty severe harsh, harsh reality if you haven’t faced that yet, and most people face harsh realities, you know right out of the gate.
loss of job, loss of income loss of health. So often it’s loss, extreme and painful loss. That gives us the motivation, we need to work through something like the secret to immortality, if every if everything is going really well in our lives, we don’t have really any motivation to do anything but what we’re doing. And you know, that may be sometimes a good life that goes a long time and, and no one’s ever really challenged. I’ve met to meet that person, but I promise you there people will tell you the hat and tell you start to hear their complete story. But we can all live in denial. But let’s not the secret to immortality is about awakening, to the reality of how we’re creating this world, and how we can make it into something we want. With the secret to immortality, in mindfulness or in mortality, we really focus on one simple thing, that we are all planning to die, somehow, someway, we deny it, we put it off, we all except that death is a natural outcome of life. And if we are in fact creating this reality, what do you think the idea, passive are strong? That death is part of life? What do you think that idea does to the cells of our body? What do you think the idea that we’re accepting, even buying into our own death, nobody wants to die. But everybody insists that they do, at some point. And with the secret to immortality, we’re asking you to consider not accepting death, as the outcome of your life. And giving every cell in your being the information, the will the instruction from you, that you intend to live forever doing whatever it takes to be that person who can do that with others doing the same thing? Where exactly did the secret to immortality come from? Where did I get this idea? Or who taught me who were my mentors? How did this come about? I would suggest you go to my website, I’ve many articles about how that happened. My biography, if you go to the blog, on Immortal now.com, go up to the menu for the blog. And to the right on every blog page, there are some essential articles. And they go in depth about my history and how I was introduced to the secret to immortality I didn’t, I didn’t think it up or create it. But I was born with a very strong will to know the secret to life. I’d felt I’d lived many, many lifetimes before, rich poor in between. Smart, not smart. And I just missed the purpose of life missed the miss the real meaning of life, the secret to life. So I was born with a very strong motivation to know the truth. And I remember as a young child, even a boy, I was fortunate to be raised around some pretty nice friends and pretty nice families and in a fortunate neighborhood. But I knew is is mature, helpful, beautiful, nice, kind and loving. Some of these adults were I knew that they didn’t know the secret to life, because they weren’t sharing it or talking about it or doing anything that would lead me to think that so I was just driven, driven, driven. The first time was about six years of age, looking into a mirror and I was just seeing all the past lives that I appear to have lived and I was really intent on making this lifetime different. The final lifetime I don’t exactly believe in reincarnation, but I have a lot of memories of lifetimes. They are a mosaic that is created who I am in this lifetimes mission. So again, I don’t really teach things like reincarnation and many lifetimes. It’s just the story of me.
Born with memories of lots of lives, and when I was five or six looking at all those lifetimes, maybe about 15 100,500 or so. They were all alive as though they were happening at the same time. And as though they were happening in that moment. And if I look back into those lifetimes now, I’m not I’m not really looking back. I’m just looking in one timeless place of all these lives happening burning, and they are happening at the same time. They’re not even in the past. They’re all alive. I can’t explain it. But some of you may have had the same experience. And that’s how it is just sort of agree to some of the agree with some of the physics, the new theories of physics in the last 15 or 20 years, but that’s another story. And I don’t want to put you to sleep. So where did this come from, I just had a burning desire to know the secret to life I was doing any, I was going to do anything I needed to do to get it. That was my primary motivation every day. And my mother was my first mentor. She studied metaphysics, got all the medical, metaphysical books from the library and from her friends. And she shared them with me in my early teens, and she was reading of Yogi masters and practicing yoga, and my mother was very stable, a sincere person, so she would pass these books to me, and we would read them and share them. And when I was about 15, turning 16, I took a class and spiritual development that I found very helpful. And I met a woman who was working on her own immortality process. And I can tell you is this was a phenomenal woman. And she kept it mostly private, she didn’t write about it, she didn’t share about it. And this wasn’t really even the woman teaching the class that I got so much out of this was a woman that was mentoring the woman teaching the class, but I was lucky enough to spend time with this American elder that was involved with a secret to immortality. And when she shared that with me, her own immortality process, I knew that was the secrets that I was supposed to find that I was looking for I went, That’s it. And she looked at me as a sensitive woman with a lot of abilities. And she just told me, I had that cell of immortality in me. And an issue is right. Sometimes you just meet someone, and there’s a profound awakening. And that’s what happened. And she was a mentor to me, just by being who she was, and doing who she was. I didn’t spend a lot of time with her. But I one time spent the weekend. And it was a fascinating, beautiful thing, and something of a struggle, you know, everything we get in life, we have to pay for her. And then more to how these different in some way, we have to let go of some things, learn new things. And sometimes that can be painful. But my first mentor, my mother, and of course, my father and his strength, and his character was more than a mentor, you know, just putting me together as a child and a young man. But in this specific spiritual pursuit,
was this woman elder working on her own immortality process. And as that went on, so I would call her my second mentor, my mom, my first, this woman, my second mentor, maybe the class as a teen in spiritual development. Maybe the woman who taught that live a woman here I have three sisters and brothers, but I don’t think there’s any reason or any importance when one or the other, they could have all just as well been men. But these are women for me. So those were my early mentors. And in what happened further is I met in Seattle when I was about 43. I met a Qi Gong Grandmaster, who was in the United States working as a Chinese physician, a Qi, Gong Grandmaster, and United States. He grew up in Beijing, and he had a father that was Qi, Gong Grandmaster and a Chinese physician, we sometimes say, traditional Chinese medicine, but that’s not really an accurate term, and they don’t use it in China. It’s called Chinese medicine because it’s their form of medicine. And they came up with that, and it’s pretty darn powerful if you work with somebody. That’s very, very good at it. So by accident, I just went to him for some help with a medical problem and never had acupuncture and tea herbal tea from China. And they both helped immensely, but he said, John, if you really want help with your medical problem, come to my Qigong class, he said this in broken English, she didn’t sound like me, but if you want help, I didn’t know what she Gong was, but I went to his class and you know what? It instantly helped To me, the Qigong what I understood pretty quickly, is the Qigong. I call it the third pillar of Chinese medicine, acupuncture herbs, and she gone, she Gong is really the most powerful. The other ones are really for acute and perhaps crisis situations. But I found that she Gong was, as I was learning it, it’s something that I’m doing for myself, I’m doing it with a master with a grandmaster with other students of different levels. And I am a Qi Gong master have been for a long time now, but I don’t focus on that, because that’s not really the crux of what I’m teaching my purpose and mission in life. That’s part of this process, the Qigong is I teach, but it’s not like these secret handshake secret Qigong exercises, you don’t have to do them. But it’s really, really helpful, creating stability, calm and physical immortality in you. And so I met this teacher at about 43, like I told you and having tremendous effects. And he would talk about what he was doing that the purpose of this was physical immortality, that he was taught from his early teens by Taoist masters in the mountains of China, and they’re still teaching him and one of his teachers was over 200, I think 280 years old or so. And then he’s had another one that was a bit younger. But they’ve all been doing this for a long time. And it’s really the same thing, the historical figure, Jesus Christ talks about
everlasting life, you don’t have to die. But you probably need to love your neighbor as yourself. You even need to love your enemy. Love, love and more love, radical love, that transforms your body, radical love that transforms the world, we can do it, we will do it. I’m here to help you to teach you to lead you upon the path. It’s always love, every day, every moment forgiveness, but that’s hard to do, we aren’t really trained to do it. We’re all really born as predators in this crazy creation. And part of the secret to immortality and any good personal development is becoming aware of, of how you impact other people, and eliminating the harmful effects and having a positive effect on the world. And when you try to do that, you’re not to be perfect. None of this is about perfection. We aren’t becoming perfect. We’re just going in the direction of goodness of hope, of physical immortality, helping everyone that we can along the way, we’re going in a certain direction and width, that direction together, there becomes a critical mass that takes us along a critical mass and energy to help the Texas along we are creating this, we’re basically just uncrating everything in ourselves that the feet says, and letting the bliss, the perfection of our soul of creation come forth, in a beneficial happy way. We’re not making ourselves superduper immortal people, you know, like cartoon characters, we already are that eternal being. But we’re born with all these impediments. And all these filters that where we see life wrongly, where we see our selves in a flawed and harmful and painful way. Death think good. If you’ve been involved in somebody else’s, or in close calls in your own life, it’s not good. And everything that’s not good is a type of death is a type of every hardship is something wrong, is going on when we’re suffering and pain with the secret to immortality, you learn how to get into that eternal, blissful self right here in the flesh as who you are, and live that in the world. We help you do that again in our website, and mortal now.com. And when you get to the website, go up to the top and looking at the margins. And we have pages that will teach you about Qigong. There’s a free Qigong exercise in a way that’s all you ever need if Qi Gong, and you can find this podcast there too. We have a course a wonderful introductory course you can take and we have weekly instructions, you can take a monthly membership where we’ll have for three or four lessons a month and that’s been on on hiatus for a while that’s going to start very soon that’s the end of this talk bless you and keep you until we meet again