For Something Good, Change Your Course
As we change, the world will rearrange.
The physics, look and nature of life all change as we change ourselves.
By changing how we think and act, a little at a time, we can transform the world from:
- Hate to love
- Conflict to peace
- Scarcity to plenty
As we find our core of love and act this core into the world, everything transforms.
Something good is born.
Our Beautiful Soul
Find your core and change the world.
We have a Center Core of good — of golden peace — that’s always here, as who we are.
By meditation, Qi Gong and reading articles as this, we can get to this core, the good of who we are.

When we have this core, and act it out in the world, we can change the world to something good, infinite and immortal.
(RELATED: The Book,”Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth”)
We create with our core, and love is how this core works.
As we get to our core and know who we are, there is enormous love and peace; we become calm and more at ease than we’ve ever been.
The World Transforms
Get a chain-reaction going.
The world can radically transform to infinite good and perfect life.
Just enough of us have to make this change, to the gold of our souls, and the world will automatically rearrange, as dominos fall.
Only a small amount of people are needed for world transformation, to tip the scale of creation, to get a chain reaction going … of immortal life on earth.
Together, we can tip the scale from death to immortality, and develop a life of:
- Happiness
- Strength
- Caring
We are Immortal
Our core is golden-perfect-love, of infinite value.

I suggest inside us all is gold — immortal, pure and absolute.
When we experience our Core of Gold, our deep and personal self, love is what we find. Love is what we think and know.
There is a Greater Love that guides the ship, our personal ship of life … this guidance is within as perfect love.
We have guidance deep within ourselves. This guidance is a golden love, an infinite love of constant value.
Our Consciousness is Love
Our core consciousness is love, a pure and absolute love.
I suggest we are deceived at any time or place with think without love.
Without love, our thoughts can be off course, our actions can be false.
Compassion and good-will are at our core. Love is our foundation and inner nature.
When we act without love and care, we’re off track, no matter how exciting or interesting our path.
The only path that’s true to who we are, is love with kind intent.
How Can We Help?
We’re designed to be helpful and give to the world.
Immortality is about being helpful — finding our core of gold — and connecting that gold to the gold of our planet.
When we ask ourselves the question of how we can help, we open a treasure chest of infinite wealth.

We have infinite wealth to give, as we find ourselves. When we ask how we can give, our wealth arrives.
Giving creates a cycle where we receive and give again.
The “cycle of endless giving” is this:
- We give
- We receive
- We give
- Repeat
Immortality and eternal life come about when an endless cycle of giving and receiving is formed, and held strong.
Qi Gong holds the cycle of eternal life coming forth, and keeps this cycle strong. This is why we recommend Qi Gong.
(RELATED: Qi Gong Power: What Is Qi Gong and How Can It Help You?)
When we ask ourselves how we can be of help to the world, and others, our Immortal Self comes forth — we can be who we really are, living well and strong.
Find a way to help and give of yourself; your eternal strength will evolve.
The Cause of Death

When we take from the world in greed, wanting for ourselves … we diminish and get weak; both the world and we fail.
We get what we need when we give from our hearts.
When we feel our needs must be met by harming and taking from someone else, we die and harm the world.
Our better role is giving life to the world. We’re life creating life.
When we take from life, to get what we want, we reverse the process of life from generosity to pain.
We’re here to give to the world, not take. We’re here to create life, not reap and consume.

When we see ourselves as the source of life, as the creative force alive: we prosper and live.
When we give from our hearts, we get what we need and live with immortality.
When we give the right way, the world becomes a cornucopia, meeting our needs.
The world gives without end, when we we see ourselves as a cornucopia filling the world.
(Cornucopia: “an abundant, overflowing supply“)
We Live in the Garden of Eden
We live in the Garden of Eden where all our needs are met, if we understand our relationship with the Garden … but this is a big, big IF.
Historically, we’ve mistakenly thought the Garden of Eden to be our source life, fulfilling our needs. So we take from the Garden.
This errant thought destroys the Garden and ourselves. In truth, we give the Garden life.

We create and give rise to the Garden of Eden; we create this planet and all life.
We’re the source of life for all living things. We’re life creating life.
We mistakenly imagine the Garden of Eden is here to give us life; we then take from the Garden. This error reverses the Force of Life and creates all types of problems … things die and get sick. Accidents happen.
We are life creating life.
We give the Garden life; we create the Garden of Eden. When we take from this Garden, thinking it our source, we dismantle the world — mistakes, calamity and death ensue.
When we realize we’re creating the Garden — that the source of life is within — we give and live eternally.
How the Garden Grows
When we run through our Garden of Life — taking, grasping and harming, we destroy ourselves and the garden dies.
The Garden of Life, Eden, is the same as our body; we are one body alive, we and the Garden, growing in unison.
We are here, physically, to give of selves. When we don’t give in earnest, life withers.
When we wreck and take from the Garden, we wreck and take from ourselves.
As we give, the garden comes to life. As we give, the garden grows. When we take, the Garden falls apart.
To have immortality, radically change how you think of yourself; reimagine your place in the world.
See yourself as Master of the Garden, giving the garden life.
The Source of Life
When we see ourselves as the source of life, we see a Golden Perfect Love in all of life — in all people, places and things.
As we love from our core, we see and experience love in all things.
Look within, see your love; imagine love in you. If you can’t see the love of yourself, imagine it’s there.
Imagine that you’re love, giving life to life. Imagine that you, and all of life, create the Garden of Eden.
In this Garden, ask yourself:
- How would you act?
- How would you feel?
- Who would you be?
Imagine Your Greatest Desire
Imagine what you want, and you’ll get it. What do you imagine now?
How do you think about yourself and the world: is there kindness and love, or fear, resentment and anger?
Love yourself now: Imagine love deep inside your heart. Know love is in your body:
- See love in your hands
- See love in your chest
- See love in your feet
- See love in your head
See and feel this love. What color is your love? How warm or cool is this love? Where in your body does this love reside?
Imagine love everywhere in the world. Imagine love north, south, east, west … up and down.
See the sun’s light as good and kind, as knowing and wise. Understand the earth supports you, in love.
Realize you share love with everything and everyone.
Imagine the best for yourself. Take action to love.