Last Week Was Step One
In last week’s blog post, we looked at Step One to Immortality: “We admitted we were powerless over hardship, pain and death — that our lives had become unmanageable.”
If we wanted to live forever and progress in a natural way, we admitted our present approach to life was not giving us the best results.
Today Is “Step Two” to Immortality
Today we look at Step Two of the 12 Steps to Immortality.
Step Two: Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to immortality.
There’s a natural way of living — were we relax and join the world:
- Living
- Loving
- Being Who We Are
This natural way of living is found in the 12 Steps to Immortality.
Benefits of the 12 Steps

- Every step has something great to give.
- Every step returns us to our soul of love and immortality.
- Each step provides us greater wisdom, strength and power.
Start the 12 Steps today by simply reading this article and thinking of what you’ve read: What does the article mean to you? How can you apply what you’ve read today, in your life?
If you’ve not read the blog article on the first step to immortality, find it here: “Step One to Immortality”
A general 12 Step article to help you is here: “The 12 Steps to Immortality”
Read each article. Think of what they mean, and apply each step to your life. Then read each article again.
Activate Your Immortality with The 12 Steps
To get going with the 12 Steps to Immortality, you now have 3 blog articles to help you. Read each article repeatedly, making each one a study.
Read and study every article. Meditate and think about each reading; how can you apply what you’ve read to your life?
To get results today, finish reading this article, and contemplate what you’ve read. Let new understanding and strength come to you.
For further life empowerment, again, read these two extra blog articles:
Extra Blog Article: “The 12 Steps to Immortality”
Extra Blog Article: “Step One to Immortality”
Let Go of Harm

As we let go of injury and harm — finding peace — we notice the world is also at peace.
As we love, we notice love in everything. As we’re kind, the world acts in kindness.
When we contemplate something Greater than we know, we open the door to an easier way of life, where immortality prevails.
[Related: Let go of harm; find peace and strength with Qi Gong.]
Physical Immortality Is Restored
As we follow the 12 Steps to Immortality, our eternal physicality is restored.
Imagine that we’re born to live forever, that physical immortality is our true design.
Acting in ways that don’t support life — killing and harmful behavior — naturally lead to death, disease and suffering for everyone.
Acting in ways that support life fully, naturally lead to benevolence, love and eternal physicality.
As we act in a more gentle way, with love for all of life, immortality is restored to ourselves, to the world and everyone.
The Peaceful Calm of Life
There is a peaceful calm to all of life: in our bodies, mind and souls. This peaceful calm will meet our needs and guide us through each day.
As we surrender our willful and self-centered approach, there is a Greater Will that can handle the struggle of our lives.
Live with a Greater Power

As we let go of our smaller sense of will, a Greater Will can arise.
As we live with this Greater Will of Life, we find a better power within ourselves of happiness, joy and freedom … of longevity and immortality.
As we let go of self-centered ways that lead to defeat, we find a stronger control within us and in the world.
This Stronger Control heals and rights what’s wrong — restoring us to happiness, health and immortality.
Restored to Immortality
As we find our core of:
- Peace
- Strength
- Eternal Love
…we naturally express an immortal physicality that’s who we really are.
As we find our human core, we naturally — and with little effort — live as our eternal selves.
As we live in this timeless frame of mind, we are “Immortal Now.”
A Lazy Way to Paradise

With successive effort, small and sincere, our need is filled.
Any habit is hard to break. Harmful habits can be difficult to change.
Putting aside habits of hardship, pain and death can be challenging at first.
It can take time to turn things around and discover we’re immortal beings of love and endless peace.
Yet, the way of immortal life is calm and easy; with small effort, our needs are met. Our best selves evolve.
Struggle ends.
Is There Another Way?
Our self-willed and egoistic instincts can seem useful, at times, in getting what we want.
These self-willed ways can appear to be the only sensible manner of acting in the world.
It may seem there’s no choice, other than applied self-will, to get what we want … but there’s another way that happily meets our needs and leads to immortality.
This way is found in the 12 Steps to Immortality, and in Step Two we look at today.
Qi Gong Can Help with the 12 Steps
Qi Going can help you with the 12 Steps, making you calm, secure and at peace … activating your immortality.
Qi Gong can help you find a Greater Power and be less reliant on limited self-will.
Accomplish more with less effort. Have more power and human ability with Step Two and Qi Gong for Immortality.
[Related: Free Qi Gong Video]
[Related: “Qi Gong Power”]
The Step 2 Way

In Step 2 to Immortality, we consider a new way of living that restores our immortal design. This new way of life gives us ease and strength.
In Step 2, of the 12 Steps to Immortality, we consider a power greater than we’ve known.
How to Have a Greater Life
We’re small and limited when we think we’re alone and without help.
We deny our Greater Good when we imagine we must stress-and-strain to succeed.
Wrong use of will keeps us estranged and makes life hard.
We hold back the gifts of life by overusing will.
The use of will is required, only a little, to get happiness and peace. The immortal way uses will lightly to join with a Greater Will and Larger Awareness of Life.
As we join a Greater Will, our needs are met. We relax, find peace and become our better selves.
Stay Tuned…
See you in next week’s blog as we discover the Third Step to Immortality: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over the the care of a Greater Power as we understood it.
Qi Gong will help you with the 12 Steps to Immortality. I do Qi Gong every day; it may also be good for you.
For more about Qi Gong, see this blog article: What Is Qi Gong and How Can It Help You?
For a free Qi Gong video to get you started, try: FREE Qi Gong Videos
See you in next week’s blog where we introduce you to Step Three of The Twelves Steps to Immortality.