A Look at Step 4
Today we look at Step Four of the 12 Steps to Immortality.
Step Four: Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
Step Four takes us to deeper levels of ourselves where we find our soul and immortal core.
As we experience our core, it comes alive in physicality. As we get to our soul, day by day, our eternal selves come to life.
The 12 Steps to Immortality lead us to our perfect core as we practice each step.
A Little Review
In Step One to Immortality, we admitted we were powerless over death, disease and hardship.
Step One takes our hands off the wheel, a bit, where we were steering ourselves toward calamity and death.
Relax Your Grip
Relax your grip; there’s an easier way to get what you want.
in Step One, we say, “Aha, I no longer need to try so hard to make things happen and control events. There may be a better way than the road I’ve taken”
There may be a way where we get what we need without the stress of grasping and predation.
1. the act of preying upon or plundering; robbery; ravage.
2. a relation between animals in which one organism captures and feeds on others.
[Related: “Step One to Immortality”]
A New and Improved Journey
In Step Two, we examine a better direction, an “easier and softer way of life.”
We begin our journey with a Greater Power, a power within ourselves and in the world.
[Related: “Step Two to Immortality”]
In Step Three we make a decision to let the Greater Power of our understanding care for us.
We make a choice to have eternal physical life.
[Related: “Step Three to Immortality”]
Now at Step Four!
We’re now at Step Four where we take action, making a fearless and moral inventory of ourselves.
You may say, “Why make a moral inventory; I’m a good person”? That’s a good question, one I had myself.
Your answer: the Inventory is a method of becoming more self aware and in control of our lives.
The Forth Step Inventory is a tool we can use to know ourselve better, to find our core of:
- Strength
- Happiness
- Physical Immortality
Have You Been Hurt?
In our Step Four Inventory, we look at our anger and resentments, how we’ve been hurt by people, situations and institutions.
We look at the people closest to us first, then our jobs, perhaps government and laws.
We make a list of our resentments, anger and how we’ve been hurt.
The Power of a Look
As we look at anger and resentments, we’re lead to fears and insecurities with the ability to dissolve them.

When we include a Greater Power in our vision, the simple act of looking at problems diminishes pain and ignites our Greater Self.
We can find a Greater Power to help us see by doing the 12 Steps to Immortality along with Qi Gong.
[Related: “How Qi Gong Saved My Life”]
[Related: “What is Qi Gong”?]
What Happens Next?
As we do the Fourth Step, an Interesting thing happens: We see how the world and other people controlled our lives.
We then see how our reactions to the world determined our fate for good or bad.
Our reactions were the key to understanding ourselves and activating our immortal quality.
How We Gain Control
As we look at our reactions — our anger, hurt and injury — we gain control of who we are and how we act.
As we identify our injuries from life, we set the stage to release this pain and encumbrance in later steps of the 12 Steps to Immortality.
Eternal at Our Core
In Step Five of the 12 Steps to Immortality, we share with a trusted person the harms we’ve done in life and the injuries done to us. We unlock our secrets and “clean house.”
This process frees us to be ourselves — with strength, ease and happiness.
Step Five unties our stress, letting us breathe and feel our soul of immortality.
Happiness and Strength
In Step Six, we ask ourselves if we’re ready to let our Greater Power remove our defects of character that are holding us back from personal bliss and immortality.
In Step Seven, we ask our Greater Power to remove the defects of character that are holding us back.
In Step Seven, we join with our Greater Power … to have more personal power and improve our lives.
We’ll cover Steps 5, 6 and 7 in detail in future blog posts, but wanted you to get an idea today of where we’re heading.
Let’s Get Going!
The Step Four Inventory gets a powerful process going: finding our core and letting go of what’s holding us back from:
- Success
- Happiness
- Eternal Physicality
All of the 12 Steps to Immortality take us closer to who we are, our Perfect Core of Eternal Love and Physical Immortality.
In upcoming blog posts, we’ll introduce you to all the steps of the 12 Steps to immortality.
So far, we’ve covered steps 1 through 4, and have taken a sneak peek of steps 5, 6 and 7.
In next week’s blog, we’ll show you exactly how to make a Fourth Step Inventory.
- We’ll take you by the hand and help you make a list of resentments.
- We’ll look at the cause of those resentments and discomforts.
Next, we’ll show you how to free yourself from the effect of these taxing involvements and difficult memories.
Make sure to read next weeks blog where we really get going with a positivity, strength and hope you may have never known.
See you next week for Part 2 of the Fourth Step to Immortality.
The 12 Steps to Immortality
Learn More about Qi Gong