Step 3: Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of a Greater Power as we understood It.
What Can a Greater Power Be?
A Greater Power could be:
- God
- Nature
- A Deeper Physics
- The Fullness of Life
- The Infinite Universe
- A Greater Power in You
- The Deep and Knowing “Self”
- The Greater “I Am” in You and All of Life
A Greater Power could be any one of these, all of these at once, or something different and unique to you.
The Most Important Feature
The most important feature of this Greater Power is that it’s a power of your choosing and your understanding, not an idea or power that someone else imposes upon you.
As a starting point, I suggest choosing a Greater Power that has qualities you would like in yourself.
Our choice of a Greater Power awakens the same power in ourselves.
More than You Know
A Greater Power is simply a power greater than you know, always a power that’s a little more than you can know or understand, today.
My own Greater Power is probably a combination of all the above listed Greater Powers and more.
I try not to encumber, limit or constrain my Greater Power with a lot of definition or specifics.
I like the terms God and Self the best. However, you may be different, and that’s just perfect; I promise!
How I Defined God As a Child
As a child, I defined God as infinite love, a love consistent and full, a love more loving than I could imagine.
As a child, my goal and direction was to be this love in all I did and said. Not an easy task, one I still fail, but the only task of living that made sense to me.
My Greater Power Today
Today, I experience my Greater Power as an infinite and knowing love that includes all existence and beyond.
I experienced this love as a child. I saw this perfect love in myself and in all the world.
The Substance of Life
To me, as a child, this Greater Power was the atmosphere and substance of existence.
I felt peace, love and belonging as I knew this Greater Power, as I evolved with this Power as a person.
I comprehended more of this Greater Power as my brain, body and sense of self grew.
A Time of Crisis and Prayer
In my teens, at a time of crisis, an earnest prayer I made took me to the heart of a Perfect God: I felt peace, strength and love.
I found myself “in place” with a Greater Power.
I was in union, combined and “at one” with this Presence of Perfect Love.
I felt the infinite love and being of this Greater Power as my own self.
In Sync with the “Immortal Now”
In sync with this perfect love and Conscious Being, there was no time or space, no beginning or end; there was only the Immortal Now.
In this Eternal Place of perfect love — I was who I am — more complete and full than ever before. Reality was more distinct.
In the Presence of this Greater Power, I was a unique individual with my own consciousness. Yet I shared the same perfect love and being with this Greater Power.
We were different, yet our Magnificent Essence was shared, a power we had together in the same sense that all forms of life share life.
Like a Father to Me
This Greater Power was like a father to me, but your Greater Power may be different than mine.
A Greater Power is something we choose and define for ourselves.
A Greater Power is our own experience, or idea, that is true to who we are.
This Greater Power Belongs to You
Your Greater Power may be a thought, hope, or the presence of nature, etc. — what this Greater Power may be, or may not be, does not matter.
What matters is this Greater Power is yours, a Greater Power of your understanding that you have chosen.
A Power that Ignites Your Immortal Self
You may find your Greater Power is the same as all Good Gods and every Greater Power known.
In time, or very fast, this Greater Power will ignite your Immortal Self … so it’s important you choose a Greater Power meaningful to you, a Power that represents something you trust and want.
This Greater Power is your Greater Power that will work for you in your heart and life, if you allow it.
We Made a Decision
In the Third Step, we make a decision to turn our will and lives over to the care of a Greater Power.
If your Greater Power is a Perfect Loving God (as is mine,) you turn your will and life over to the the CARE of this Loving Power … letting this Power hold your “will” and life as you live it.
We let a power greater than ourselves guide us, help us and empower our lives.
We understand this power has eternal love to activate our physical immortality.
Eternal Physical Life
In Step 3, we make a decision to let our Greater Power care for us.
In Step 3, we make a choice to have Eternal Physical Life.
We offer our will and lives to be guided by this Perfect Peace … a peace in our soul, a peace in this world of physical immortality,
Coming Soon to YOU!
In next week’s blog, you’ll discover how to live with and apply the Third Step.
We’ll show you how to surrender, a bit, the overuse of will that may not be helping you.
You’ll find how to join a Greater Will and Greater Power in your life, resulting in:
- Strength
- Freedom
- Happiness
Further next week, we’ll introduce you to Step 4 to Immortality: “Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.”
You’ll discover how conscience and “doing the next right thing” can unlock treasure in your life.
See you next week, and don’t forget to see Step 1 and Step 2 to Immortality at the links below:
Click here to see: Step One to Immortality
Click here to see: Step Two to Immortality
Why Qi Gong?
As a Qi Gong Master, I recommend and teach Qi Gong.
I’ve found Qi Gong tremendously helpful with the 12 Steps to Immortality, essential really.
Discover Qi Gong and find FREE Qi Gong videos at the links below: