Qi Gong Today
Qi Gong, an ancient healing art, is practiced today by millions in China on a daily basis. In this capacity, Qi Gong is used for health and well-being.
My involvement with Qi Gong is focused on health, longevity and physical immortality. My specialty, as a Qi Gong Master, is Medical Qi Gong … an important part of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
I call Medical Qi Gong the “Third Pillar” of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with acupuncture and medicinal herbs being the other two pillars.
Personally, I’ve used Medical Qi Gong to recover from several health problems that resisted modern treatments.
Health and Healing
In my life, Qi Gong has been a part of my overall health program — how I stay well and strong with continual improvement.
Qi Gong has helped in every possible way: First, it brought deep and powerful peace. Second, Qi Gong gave me increasing strength and a sense of security.
I’ve used Qi Going, along with modern medical treatments, with great success.
Certain Death
For decades, I had high blood pressure that resisted medical treatment.
My blood pressure became so high I was routinely told I had no chance of survival … it was that serious!
My doctors seemed as perplexed and upset as I.
I ended up in emergency rooms where my blood pressure was so elevated, it was beyond the highest level the advanced equipment could measure.
In these emergency visits, I was informed kindly, sadly, that my death was near, eminent … as in a few minutes.
Yet, I never died.
How Qi Gong Helped
After many years of seeing doctors — some of the best doctors at a major university — I remained alive, though I was always told it was impossible to live with the high blood pressure I had.
Every doctor I saw, over these many years, looked very concerned and sad … knowing full well I could not, would not live long, based on their experience and knowledge.
If I lived, I was told I would see great damage to major organs, with probable strokes and heart attacks. Luckily, none of this happened … in great part, I believe, to my practice of Qi Gong.
I Survived and Thrived
I attribute my survival to an adept Qi Gong Grandmaster who helped me practice Medical Qi Gong. However, I eventually felt I may not be able to beat the odds of having morbidly high blood pressure.
I had a young daughter and wanted to be there for her. I felt some greater solution must be found if I were to live.
Qi Gong and Prayer
I felt I had to go deeper, somehow, to find an answer, a fix and cure to this persistent high blood pressure problem.
But what could be the cause of this problem, and how could I solve it?
Because of Qi Gong, I was able to go deeper into myself for a solution: As I searched within, I searched in the world.
A Sleep Problem
While I was sleeping through the night, and did not think I had a problem with sleep, I had a close friend with sleep apnea.
I did not believe or think I had this sleeping disorder, but something in me was telling me to have myself tested for sleep apnea, just in case.
The First Test
I went to a general doctor on an island where I lived near Seattle. The doctor gave me a small, take home device to test oxygen levels while I slept.
I slept with the test device and returned to his office with the data.
He looked at the results, and said I was perfectly fine. As he said this, deep inside, I felt he was wrong. Dead wrong.
Dead Wrong
It jumped out at me, this response, that the doctor was wrong and not well versed in my problem or the test he prescribed.
It made me angry that this doctor wasn’t moved to do a better job.
All this became apparent to me, in one moment. It just added up after some time with this doctor.
Before I went to this physician, I had no sense or feeling I had a sleep disorder, but after interacting with this doctor, and being told I was fine, I had a strong feeling I did have a sleep disorder.
How can I explain the important thing that happened at that moment?
I’ll try to tell you now…
A Trove of Information
My Qi Gong practice had given me contact with what I call my “deep self,” where good information naturally arises.
My Qi Gong practice gave me good information from the world, at large, for my wellbeing and the wellbeing of others.
I needed help and a cure for my problem of high blood pressure.
With the strength-giving qualities of Qi Gong, I was able to go to deeper levels of “self” and existence …. and ASK for answers and help.
The answers and help came.
A Better Test, A Better Place
After the oxygen sleep test with a general doctor, I decided to get the best test I could with an experienced sleep physician.
I found a great sleep medicine doctor. Simply listening to me, and asking a series of questions, this experienced doctor told me he believed I had severe sleep apnea, but an overnight test would be needed to confirm this.
I had the overnight test; the doctor was correct. I had severe sleep apnea that was responsible for a large part of my blood pressure problem.
I was sleeping lightly, in Stage One sleep, with little deep or dream sleep … almost none. I really was not sleeping, in a normal sense.
The results of such thin sleep can be disastrous.
Miraculous Health
With the new doctor and new test, my sleep problem was successfully treated. However, the doctor feared there may be serious complications from the high blood pressure.
After my sleep problem was under control, my doctor suggested a full test of my internal organs.
The doctor said I should expect extensive damage as a consequence of such high blood pressure for so many years.
To the doctor’s surprise, after the scans of my body, there was little sign that I ever had high blood pressure.
The typical organ damage associated with my blood pressure condition was not present.
The doctor said he had never seen such healthy organs in a similar situation.
He further said it was impossible to have such a strong and healthy condition after my years of problem blood pressure.
The doctor was shocked and surprised; he said what he saw, my good condition, was a physical impossibility. Yet, there it was.
I was happy. The doctor was dumbfounded.
A Positive Result
I attribute this positive result, and the entire process of finding a cure … to my practice of Qi Gong.
The practice of Qi Going kept me well and alive, long enough, to find the solution to my problem.
Qi Gong, I feel, gave me the deep guidance to find a cure, when my intellect alone, and previous doctors, could not find the answer.
More Work to Be Done
With the sleep apnea treatment, my blood pressure came down, but it was still not low enough. There was continued danger.
Still on a quest to resolve to this problem, I did not know what to do … but through earnest prayer by the deep and strong part of me, I petitioned for help.
Qi Gong gave me the ability to go deep — very deep — with my asking for assistance.
It was as if Qi Gong let me go to a Grand Creative Mechanism that was:
- Driving my life
- Making the world
- Giving me form and existence
An Accidental Cure
By accident, almost, I was having a routine physical exam with a new Nurse Practitioner.
With my blood pressure still too high, this Nurse Practitioner decided she would make it her mission to find a more effective cure.
In time, she did.
After a blood test, I received a call from the Nurse Practitioner.
She told me to stop whatever I was doing, go straight to the pharmacy and immediately take was waiting for me.
She said it was a life and death situation.
The problem the nurse discovered was this: I had an astonishingly low potassium level that could have ended my life.
The nurse was surprised, very surprised, I was in fact alive and well.
A Treatable Condition
Further investigation found I had a rare tumor that was causing my body to dump potassium in large quantities.
Without potassium, your muscles get tense. Your brain does not work well, and you’re at risk for heart attack.
Also, this tumor was making my blood pressure high!
I was fortunate to be alive.
The nurse was surprised I had lived so long in this condition, without my life ending.
How Qi Gong Saved My Life
Qi Gong helps prayer and intent.
Qi Gong heightens prayer-effectiveness and personal intent in a remarkable way, by taking us to a powerful place deep within ourselves where we can make changes in how our health physically expresses.
For decades, I lived with an impossible health problem that would have killed most people.
I strongly believe my practice of Qi Gong kept me alive, well and relatively unharmed.
Improve Your Intent
Qi Gong improved my intent to get well and find an effective cure.
In every way, I felt Qi Gong helped me stay alive, assisting with my:
- Psychological well-being
- Personal resolve to live
- Pursuit of a full health cure
What this Story Has for You
Qi Gong can help you be well, happy and find solutions.
Qi Gong can work with modern medicine to solve your health problems.
Qi Gong can keep your mood strong while giving you hope and positive direction.
Supercharge Your Life
Qi Gong activates your deep inner self, where good things originate.
I suggest practicing Qi Gong, taking the good you get — the hope, strength and ease — and living your life with success and satisfaction.
I’ve done it; you can do it too.
Do your best, and get the best from life. Qi Gong will help you.
Gain wellness, strength and peace with this FREE Qi Gong video…click HERE.