Beliefs can make war and prevent helpful change.
We cling to the thought that we are right and others
are wrong: This is the same as the kidney of our body
feeling it is the only organ formed correctly, with the heart
and the lungs surely at fault?
As we fight to defend what is “right” or “wrong,”
we appear as foolish as this thought!
What kind of thinking is this? What kind of life do we create when
we are at war with ourselves and all the world?
LIfe works when we love each other as ourselves, doing no wrong or
harm. Life works as we join, help and cooperate.
The discipline of life, is to do what is right and good for us all.
The belief in “wrong” or “right” moves us to fight, not cooperate or love.
Life is not about belief, takings sides and “making a stand.” Life
demands we accept, join and forgive.
Life demands we create with our heart and love what we’ve found.
Life works when we forgive, love and find value in everyone.
No one has to be wrong or right? We are the same body and mind
living life.
There is no one to fight, and no where to go. We are all the same.
Love and understanding heal what’s broken with the world. Love and
understanding bring the forms of life to agreement, making all that’s good.
Alone and at war, we die. Together we live. There is but one body
and mind; it is ours. All of life is the same and good.
Whenever we wrong another, we are wronged in ourselves.
Whenever we harm another, we and all the world are harmed.
There is no way out but to love.