- Mood and emotion should be still and quiet when you do your immortality work.
- Mood and emotion should be still and quiet most of your life.
Work at it. To be still and quiet, the only thing required is a desire to be still and quiet, and a beginning of the practice of being still and quiet.
It is extraordinarily simple: Simply sit where it is physically still and quiet. Repeat the words, “I am still and quiet.” These are instructions for your body, mind and heart; these instructions will be heard and obeyed. Your body has no option but to cooperate with your desire and command if stated in earnest and with focus, repeatedly.
The key to sustained stillness and quiet is practice, the secret to improving anything in life is to practice.
Nothing is instant here… you must practice with regularity. It is like learning a new sport: A golf swing is not mastered by a wish alone; it is mastered my practice and repetition. Stillness and quiet works the same!
You have to work at it when you feel like it; you have to work at it when you do not feel like it. Eventually, the work and reality of stillness and quiet becomes habit, requiring little effort on your part.
When you have acquired a steady place of stillness and quiet, improved abilities will come to you. Stillness and quiet delivers a potent product.