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Awareness Is the Secret to Immortal Life
The Secret to Immortality is about awareness — growing awareness of our core, our soul, our deep and central self that’s giving rise to our life.
How can we become aware, be more aware of our immortal core and express it in the physical world?
Become Aware of Your Physical Immortality
With the Secret to Immortality, that we teach at, we have three central parts to help you do that, to help you find your immortal self, expressing it as who you are in-the-flesh here on Earth, as your life.
- Mindfulness for Immortality
- Qi Gong for Lasting Life
- Immortality Coaching
How do you do that, be your physically immortal self on earth? One, you do it with mindfulness for immortality, becoming aware of what you’re thinking, aware of what you’re doing and your motives for doing it.
Qi Gong and Immortality Coaching
Qi Gong for lasting life, an ancient Chinese meditative art that I’ve been practicing for decades is part two. This will make you calm, strong and aware of your immortal core.
The third part of building immortality awareness is immortality coaching, where the name describes what it is — you’re working with somebody farther upon the path to help you with your path: to aliven, awaken, encourage and accelerate your personal growth.
At Peace with Physical Immortality
As you’re relaxed, as you’re aware of the eternal you, don’t just stop there in warmth and ease … but focus this physical-eternal-you into your flesh.
Qi Gong can help greatly with this.
Go to our website, and find the Qi Gong section where you will see a free Qi Gong video to assist you immediately.
Immortality Book for You!
See our book that shows you exactly what to do for human immortality, “Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth,” on Amazon
Join Us on Social Media
For inspiration and direction, ideas to propel you on your way, take a look at our social media.
Your Qi Gong Master
Hello, this is John Harrigan, your podcast host. I’m an author, Qi Gong Master and founder of the website where we teach “The Secret to Immortality.”
I’ve spent a lifetime developing the Secret to Immortality to bring it to the masses and you, to transform creation and ourselves in a heavenly way.
Join us on this marvelous journey to the best of who we are, to a world of benevolence and good.
A healthy mind and body have no death.
Discover the Secret to Immortality
To begin your path of eternal consciousness — go to and read the blog and book; try the course and join Immortality LAB!
Have the best day of your life. You are immortal now!
Full Podcast Transcript
Welcome to the secret to immortality podcast. This is John Harrigan Qigong master and founder of the website,, where we teach the secret to immortality.
The secret to immortality is really about awareness, growing awareness of our core, our soul, our deep and central self that’s giving rise to our life.
how can we become aware, be more aware?
with the secret to immortality that we teach an, we have three central parts to help you do that, to help you find your immortal self, express it as who you are in the flesh here on Earth, as your life
how do you do that? … one, you do it with mindfulness for immortality, just becoming aware of what we’re thinking, aware of what we’re doing .
Two: Qigong for lasting life, an ancient Chinese meditative art that I’ve been practicing for decades. And the third part is immortality coaching which the name describes what it is, you’re working with somebody farther upon the path to help you with your path to alive in awaken, encourage, and accelerate your personal growth.
That’s parts one, two, and three, and they all lead, all of them lead to a growing awareness, of your internal bliss, of your internal joy, happiness of your experience of self, of deep self.
And we suggest this deep self, as you experience it, is timeless, eternal, and immortal. So how do we translate that into the physical flesh? And what’s the challenge of doing that?
On a mindful level mindfulness for immortality, we need to look at how were we born into the world? And What influence does the world have upon us in by talking about how we’re born into the world, I mean, inheritance, but don’t go into thinking a lot about genetics, I love science. And I’ve taken years of science at college and really enjoyed it. But it’s really not part of the secret to immortality,
in the secret to immortality, we’re going beyond science to a deeper, more powerful personal place. So looking at ourselves in mindfulness for immortality, we’re born with certain genetic features that affect the thinking, the experiences, and the evolutionary processes of people that preceded us. We have genetics and epigenetics. Both fascinate me. But it’s not part of this program. You can research that further, a little bit,
but all of life’s choices, as we evolved. And as we came forth, even in very recent generations, people in our family line, their experiences and their choices have affected who we were born, as, in our physical vehicle, how we react to things, how we think about things.
And none of that’s a problem. But we do need to slowly become aware of how we are programmed for a life of hardship, and eventually death, no matter what we do. How are we programmed for that?
Well, number one, we’re all programmed and in life and the before we are born, people preceding us … were programmed to think of life as having an end to it, thinking that and feeling and believing with all our soul that death is the inevitable outcome of life, but it’s really not.
And looking at how we’re born into the world, I don’t think any children are born into the world expecting humans to be so terribly flawed, and I don’t think they’re expecting to be in a world of war. I don’t think children I certainly didn’t expect to be in a world of predators, where everything and everyone has to capture, eat and eats what else someone something else to survive.
Just pause for a moment. How cockeyed and wrong is that? That every person, every animal, everything, even plants compete for territories.
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Read up on that or look up on it and Google if you want. Why are we in this competitive world? And I suggest to you that partly we’re just perpetuating what we slowly shows and pray Did life to be suggests that we’re responsible for this creation? No mindless deity would mean quite honestly, what kind of the Almighty deity would create a horrible world where everything has to chase, consume and Chase, kill and consume something else, that would be a very deranged, sociopathic deity, which strongly suggests you doesn’t exist. But it does exist as you and me, it does exist as the world we live in. And the secret to immortality is changing that design within ourselves. And as we change ourselves, the creation follows suit, automatically, I suggest, so we become mindful and thinking mindfully, how am I creating my day? How am I thinking? What are the habits of my thoughts? What are the belief basis of my life? One basic belief of our life, both conscious and unconscious, is that death is inevitable. And I suggest it’s not. It’s just something we’ve created over the aeons life forms life itself, and we in this moment, are creating by holding that conscious or unconscious thought that death is an inevitable part of life, that there is a Disney esque full circle that is natural, appropriate and right. People just stop for a moment and think, Is there anything right and good about people dying? Have you ever helped a loved one, slowly progress towards death? Have you seen young people that you’re related to or close by in your community, suffer and die? Have you seen accidents? Are you aware of the toll of war, both for our own country Now recently, and all of the world this is ma’am, and chaos and suffering and pain, not just for human beings, but for all life forms, it’s not really good enough that we have a brief moment of happiness here or there or a good time in the sun that lasts not ever long enough. So we’d like you to challenge yourself a bit, and discover and write down and think about what your beliefs really are, you know, you’ve heard beliefs or things and I suggest to you, we are creating the entire creation, every bit of it, personally, collectively. And I would suggest it’s not a linear fashion. It’s not an arithmetic fashion. In a way each individual is creating this entire creation, kind of irrational kind of doesn’t make sense. But as you get deeper and deeper into your eternal self, where there actually is no time or place, but the eternal Now, these things do start to make sense. An example of this is, I was born with this mission with what you’re hearing me talk about now and do. And when I was about six or seven years of age, I remember sitting in front of the mirror, and you may have heard this before. The whole article about this is listed on essential articles on the blog. But I was born to this mission that you’re listening to right now teaching eternal life on Earth for all of humanity. And working through that process physically, emotionally and psychologically, myself. I’m still there working through it, working with it. And this really needs to happen with a group of people. It’s not, not individually, we
can’t be who ourselves. We can’t be ourselves who we really are. If we just keep thinking of ourselves as a separate individual superpower we’re not, there’s no such thing. We have to join with each other. We have to join with creation, to have those superpowers. But it means we’re together. We’re in bliss. We’re in benevolence, love and compassion. And then most of our thoughts, most of our desires fall away for something much greater that we have to do so as born into this life with that type of mission. That sort of mission. I remember when I was about six or seven years of age is looking in the mirror and I was sitting there as my eternal self. As my eternal observer I wasn’t really in, I was sitting in this world in my body very much so but I wasn’t really in time limited consciousness. And I could see about 1500 More than that maybe 1600, and some odd lifetimes that I had lived. But none of them were past or present. I mean, they’re all present. None of them were past, or future. All these lives were alive as I looked at them. And that makes no sense. If we’re in a time limited consciousness, it makes no sense. But as I looked at all my past lives, they were all alive and happening at the same time, yet they were in the past, and a reference and a lively resource for everything good that I am and can become. And I would suggest that I’m not talking about past lives as being important for your consciousness. I’m just saying that even though we’re here, and we seem limited by time and space, physically, are not physically things can happen that are very much part of our lives that are not limited by time and space. And that are not part of this def creation that we have all sadly bought into. So what I’m suggesting is just this instant, I’m thinking of a Christian revival as the 10th 10th meeting or something like that. Just this instant, buy out of the idea of suffering, and death and hardship, and repeated incarnations. If that’s what’s been happening for you in the past, by out of it just saying no, in step into your real, true authentic self, which I suggest is immortal, eternal, blissful, grounded, stable, happy, and everything good that the universe can me, I can’t put it into words. But you know, every spiritual person, every individual that enjoys their time in nature, or anything you do that you like, I suggest this as your eternal self expressing and experiencing itself. So go to whatever is eternal for you. If you love nature, go into nature. If you love art, get going with your art. Find that relaxed and easy, eternal place. get deeper and deeper into yourself. To find this eternal nature, this permanent part of yourself this stability, common strength, bliss, love, and commonality with all that exists to find this, do something simple start examining your motives. You may think you’re being perfectly nice, and you have no ulterior motives, that you’re not angry or feeling competitive. But really look at what you’re saying, Why did you say what you said? What did you do what you said? What did you do? Yeah, what you said as an action? Why did you do what we do? Why did you do what you did? Why do we do what we do? Looking at motives or everything, write them down, and have a primary directive, this instant? buy into it right now? Like you’re at a church revival, where you
swear and want and are purposeful and being compassionate, kind and benevolent to everyone you encounter? Are your words coming from a compassionate and benevolent place of kindness and good? We it sounds impossible? How can I be kind and good throughout the whole day? Well, I’m not but I’m getting better and better as we improve by working at it. We improve by joining up with other people that are doing the same thing. And I suggest a daily practice of examining your motives. Am I speaking kindly? In my acting kindly? Am I moving kindly? Am I moving strongly in representation of who I really am? This isn’t where we capitulate or let people run over us. Sometimes that’s not a bad idea. Let an angry person run over and buy and leave our presence and we don’t have to become part of that. But as we find this eternal being we get stronger, we get more grounded more into who we are. We’re not dissociating into this into that. When we get into our are immortal selves. This isn’t about fairies and angels. This is about heaven here and now as who we physically are as what’s around us. And this is about changing the physical expression of the universe by changing ourselves. I suggest we’re in really kind of like a globe of our own creation that simply reflects all around us what we’re thinking and what we’re doing. So let’s make this a beautiful garden of Eden by becoming aware. And I suggest to you the term original sin, if it has any value, it’s just the original sin is when we walked away from the benevolence and permanence of our soul, and started to grasp and destroy the creation and consuming it. The creation is nothing else but ourselves. And when we start to consume, chase down and kill other graceful creatures in this heavenly place, when we start to chase them down, kill them and eat them. We seal our own fate. And if there’s any original sin, it’s just the daily sin or wrong that we all do. By accepting physical harm by contributing to the death of the world. People, it’s not hard to get this perfect, blissful, immortal place, just calm down and go easy on yourself. Do Qi Gong, there are free Qigong exercises on the website, immortal I put some in the podcast now and then and I can do one with you now, just Qi Gong meditation. So I’m gonna go through it quickly, but I want you to have the procedure. Sit down in a calm, peaceful place. Close your eyes. Imagine you can see through your eyelids to the tip of your nose from the tip of your nose. Imagine a ruby red arc, going on about three to four inches and curving into your heart. Beautiful, perfect, relaxed, breathe and you observe your breath. You don’t control it. Eyes to nose, nose to heart and ruby red arc. And then let your attention fall to your feet and see your feet grounded deeply, maybe 10 or 12 feet into the earth groundedness we’re not dissociating. dissociating is a phenomenon of being hurt a phenomenon of trauma. When we’re in a hurtful place, we want to get away from it or when we’re being hurt, we want to at least use our imagination to get to a place that’s more safe with Qigong a healing art that we use for immortality, I suggest that’s what it’s really for. In addition to fighting, they’re fighting forms, there are medical forms, which is my specialty, but you only need one or two exercises for the secret to immortality I’ll teach you far more than that. When you become part of our class part of our weekly membership class where there are deeper and more selected and private lectures, and Qigong lessons that’s you can find that on our website, our membership, monthly membership. And you can also find a very powerful introductory course into the secret to immortality that has some very good Qigong in it. But you now know some Qi Gong eyes to nose, nose to heart and red arc feet to ground you can do that anytime a day. If you’re standing in line somewhere and getting impatient. You don’t have
to close your eyes just think knows the heart and read our feet, the ground, nose to heart, and Ruby read our feet to ground. What is the secret to immortality, three parts and you’ll find them at immortal now that calm. The secret to immortality is three parts one mindfulness for immortality to Xi going for lasting life in three immortality, coaching. All of those together are what I’ve been doing for decades, and what I bring to you today and they all work in a powerful way for you to find yourself who you really are. To get steady to get calm to get stable, to be happy and successful in this world. There is no gold I suggest you there is no ambition. There is no final place to be that small, rewarding greater than your true self right here on Earth and flesh. You can do it today. That’s why I’m here. giving it to you doing it with you. If you’re simply listened to me you’re coming along. Give yourself to yourself joyous and happy, joyous happy and free we are immortal now. bless you and keep you for the week. You heard that is all for today