Ascension is something we all can do. We have the template for physical immortality within us. Happiness, joy and lasting life are possible for everyone. The Secret to Immortality shows us exactly how to do this.

Ascension is an inward journey leading to ourselves.
Often, we may feel our destiny is somewhere other than where we are, and why not?
Life can be difficult, challenging and painful. Why not dream of a better place than this?
Yet, with Secret to Immortality, there is no other place beyond, above or below where we are right now.
It truth, there is only one place to be -- the immortal now.
Heaven Is Here
Our suggestion is that the idea of heaven -- as an afterlife that happens when we die -- is a thought we use to avoid and deny who we are, here and now, and what we have the power to do.
We suggest the real heaven is on earth, this moment, if we choose to see it and act upon this vision.
In the story of Christ, Jesus physically ascended into heaven. In an allegorical sense, we suggest that the heaven Jesus ascended to is earth ... that Jesus did not go anywhere but ascended into his full and immortal self right here.
Rise Up into the World
When we ascend, we rise up as we truly are.
We suggest there is no other place to go, than where we are right now. There is no person we have to become before we can be ourselves and have immortal life on earth.
In the path to immortality, we do not ascend upward and out ... of this situation. We ascend into our accurate and honest selves, our true immortal beings right here.
We Are Immortal Now
We rise to our feet -- fully ourselves, accurate and true.
There are many definitions of spiritual ascension. It's not our purpose to discuss religious thought, yet the word, ascension, has carried on in modern times. So we'll speak of it and describe what it means.
Our suggestion, with the Secret to Immortality, is to consider ascension to be a journey of immortal consciousness with physical consequence.
Ascension may come through any approach: religious, metaphysical or atheistic. The reality of immortal life does not discriminate, exclude or deny; but accepts any genuine approach.
We are immortal now; we awaken here as ourselves.
All of Life Leads to One Place
The. right thought, practiced over time, can unfurl the immortal self.
Any approach that leads to our soul, and human core, will reveal the world. Belief, recited dogma, or the absence of these, does not matter.
There is no belief or dogma with the Secret to Immortality; it's something we do.
We suggest any approach leading to our true selves can build heaven on earth and bodies immortal. With the Secret to Immortality, we guide you to your basic self, where eternal life can live.
Ascend with Us Today!
With the Secret to Immortality, we invite you to ascend to your best: your deep, true and accurate human self.
All that's required is to practice your approach on a regular basis, daily if you can. We show exactly you how to do this.
Any approach that's true to who you are can lead to positive outcomes -- a shared reality of love, compassion and joy.
From the perspective of the Secret to Immortality, Jesus was teaching exactly what we teach -- that our true design is physical immortality in a heaven on earth; with love and compassion an absolute requirement.
Taoist immortals might agree and say this same thing --- as would some Buddhists, Kabalists, Sufi and Yogi Masters -- as would any people who have discovered their lasting selves.
Eternal Life on Earth
The Secret to Immortality shows you how to enliven and connect with the sanctity of life -- with the perfection, joy and happiness of earth.
The Secret to Immortality tells you exactly what to do to have the life you want, to make your dreams come in an eternal and lasting way.
Qi Gong, an ancient Chinese meditative art, helps progress toward lasting life.
A major part of the Secret to Immortality, Qi Gong works along with Mindfulness and Coaching.
[Related Course: Introduction to Immortality]
How to Get What You Want
Have all you can behold.
You can get what you want if you first look at greed.
Human greed, at its origin, is a simply a deep desire to belong -- to be loved, connected and safe.
Greed is the push for something greater in life, a want for something more.
Yet, actions of greed can frustrate our progress. Greed can lead us away from what we truly want and need.
The Answer to Human Greed
The good news is this: there's an answer to greed. We don't have to kill, compete or take from this world to get what we want.
There's a safe and effective way to be fulfilled.
We suggest that human immortality is the more-to-life that we all seek, the more that underlies greed.
Yes, we live in a world where we kill to get more. We steal for more. We envy and harm to get MORE!
Yet, there's another way to be fulfilled, that nurtures our soul and makes the world a wonderful place.
To get what we want, there's a better way than greed; where we don't have to kill, compete and die. This better way is the Secret to Immortality, a process of wonder and grace.

To begin the Secret to Immortality, we suggest our course, "Introduction to Immortality."
Know Your Desire
We suggest that what everyone wants is joy and human warmth -- security, peace and love.
What we all may want is to live and survive with a wonderful quality of life.
We get all of this with human immortality, the golden essence of who we are.
We get infinite gold as we find ourselves and join with the world.
We Have All We Need
The gold of life is in us.
The basis of human greed is not essentially bad -- greed is a push to get something important we imagine we don't have.
Yet right now we have more than the strongest greed could supply; we have our souls and human core of gold.
How to Get the Gold

On our website, you can access your gold with these powerful five assists:
Are there other ways (in addition to the Secret to Immortality) to get to your immortal self and heaven on earth? Yes and no.
Yes, in that any human direction toward good and peace, toward love and lasting life, will succeed if practiced over time.
No, if you do nothing at all.
To effectively walk a path of human fulfillment, we suggest a goal of lasting life.
To be fully who we are, we need to live with authenticity and truth. If we're accepting a life that leads to death, we're hiding ourselves and inhibiting our full expression.
Challenge the Idea of Death
Death is an egregious wrong that hurts, harms and weakens the world.
The beautiful and infinite core of who we are can never fully express, if part of our mind is planning an end to our life. Death is turning off and shutting down who we are in the world, slowly or all at once.
We create death by wrongly giving our lives to the the idea that death will come, as a natural end. Yet death is never natural, just the opposite; death is an egregious wrong that hurts, harms and weakens the world.
To have eternal consciousness, we need an understanding that lasting physicality is possible for us.
The secret to getting where you want to go, upon this path, is to have a plan and direction that propel you. The Secret to Immortality gives you this.
Direction, Help and Inspiration
Our natural consciousness is timeless and eternal, of joy and infinite love.
In exponential proportion, life gives back to us the quality of our actions and thoughts. We create ourselves and this reality by what we do, how we think and speak.
To have lasting life, and the gold of who we are, we must pursue it. Any approach to physical immortality will work, if we do the work.
With the Secret to Immortality, we give you the direction, help and inspiration you'll need. We introduce you to a grand new life, showing you the simple work to do.
What we teach has worked for us and continues to be of value. For eons, this approach has been used by mystic masters and aspirants of every type.
To get something new, you must try something different.
We suggest you take something from this page and do it; practicing over time.
Good luck, and be well. You are immortal now!

To get going with the Secret to Immortality, we suggest our course, "Introduction to Immortality."