True love, loves us all.
As love flows out, love flows in.
Love every day of your life!

There is no limit to love!
Love is not confined or restricted.
Life sustains love; love sustains life.
Love is the substance of living.
When we love, our love has effect.
Love carries our thoughts and will.
Love is a song that catches on.
Love is how we’re designed.
Love gives us vision.
With love, we find our way.
Love leads and follows wherever we go.

Love informs us.
Love keeps us safe.
Love agrees and prepares the way.
Love is the core of freedom and bliss.
Love has no demand.
Love only gives.
Love is our natural way.
Love is what we need to live.
Love knows what we need to know.
Love is a cycle, an endless gift.
We are the blessing of love.
To love, we must give.
To give, we must love.