Are you an idiot or what? Suffering and death do not have to happen!

Please… it should be obvious by now! Suffering and death do not have to happen. They are something we create and control.

Suffering, death and disease are not an inevitable part of life, and we really have to be a bit foolish to not know this by now! But let’s face it, most of us are a little mislead when it comes to understanding life—knowing how we shape and control the world? Sorry, but true. Look around; how are we doing?

To think that death is a natural part of life, that suffering and pain have a “lesson” to teach… is the product of a misinformed mind, a mind refusing to take control and change the world. To accept things as they are—a life of suffering and calamity—is to live as a victim, a self-appointed object of suffering.

We all have a better choice, to act with deliberate love.

So let’s get going and take personal responsibility for the quality of the life! We can change ourselves and the world.

To Begin, Let’s Start with a Few Basic Questions

  1. What would happen if people stopped causing harm?
  2. What would happen if all of us began to cooperate?
  3. What would happen if the world around us conformed to our thoughts and actions?

What would happen if we stopped saying these things were impossible and began to do them today, right now?

You can do this! You can change the world and yourself with a few simple thoughts and actions, repeated over time. You can begin this way of living right now, as you read these words!

Changing a world of difficulty and pain—to compassion and eternal life, is about having the strength, will and determination to use our human ability.

This is not about being a victim, where we allow the strong of the world to stomp us into the ground. It is the exact opposite: finding our greatest human power and using it wisely, putting this power to work.

Changing the world and ourselves from certain death to joyful ease, is about being a Super Hero with Super Human strength.

The Super Power of Love

What if our greatest human power were love? “Oh, that’s weak. Love’s no good—is that what this silly article is about—love, dove, hippy-beads and incense? I want Superman power—something big, tough and tall—to save the world and me”!

If “love” to you is something fragile, dim and capricious… what do you really know? This thin and fragile love would simply be an idea or fantasy, and indeed useless.

If we do not know our own self of love, our human power is diminished. We’re at the mercy of chaotic forces, here to struggle and perish. If we look for something “tough” and “big” to rule the world, we will ruin both the world and ourselves.

If we react to the word, “love,” with disappointment and doubt… If we think, “How can love possibly help”? We may have never felt the love of who we are in sufficient strength? Why not begin to feel the love of who we are right now? We can.

Take Action; Find the Love that Is Your Soul

We made the world the way it is. We can turn the world around, to its natural good, if we make the effort and take the action required. Yet, we can do little without the Super Power of Love that is our soul.

We brought this world into existence. We created our present situation. And we are taking the world out of existence by our ignorance, weakness and inhumane action… It’s time to be strong, and stop the wrong we do. It’s time to find the Super Power of Love, and put it into action.

Let’s Go Further

Look back to the title of this article—“Idiot” is a very cruel word. It hurts and should never be used, but what would be unwise in how we act? What happens when we don’t love or cooperate with life?

Reality and our world are really quite simple. If we act with intelligence and strength, coming from our Core of Love, life gains and never fades away.

There is a better way to live, that way is with deliberate love—intentional love at work in the world.

What happens when we don’t love or cooperate with life?

  • Find a snow capped mountain in the season of Spring.
  • It will have fast moving water, incredibly cold and running down.
  • Jump in the water, and try to swim up-stream. See what happens?
  • Do this every day, all day, for the rest of your life. How do things go?

Well… that’s how life works!

Love Is the Full Cooperation with Life

Love is living in agreement with the world; love is acting in agreement with our own design.

We are designed to be in love and act from a position of love at all times. Life happens with ease when we do this. Nothing wears out, and the world evolves in a benevolent manner.

We all have a life, and each life is a little different from the life of everyone else. Our lives are similar, since we are the same beings, but we each occupy a different place and position in time. We each can impact and direct the world in a slightly different manner. We have the ability to choose—we can go left or right, in the world or in our head.

How to Live in Love

We can choose to live in love, every day, every hour of our lives. To love this way, with such consistency and strength can be a challenge. Our option, however, is what? Suffering and pain? A life of little meaning and eventual demise?

Love is not weakness—love is strength. As we choose to act in love and cooperate with life… things begin to change for the better.

To “love without end” is a challenge. To love without ceasing is a hard decision. Eternal life must be earned. Death may seem an option?

Love is not for the weak. To love is a decision that requires effort. Love is a chance and a choice we must make—again and again—until the habit is formed, until eternal life is known.

Love is not being a victim, but living a life at full strength.

Choose to love, and be as strong as you can be.




John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master