Qi Gong is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, practiced and improved for thousands of years!
Benefits of Qi Gong
- Energy, stamina & strength
- Vitality & improved health
- Serenity, peace and a better life
Qi, pronounced “chee,” means life energy. “Gong” means work. “Qi Gong” means working with life.
Build and Strengthen
Qi Gong builds strength of body and mind.
Our strength comes from the core of our being, from who we are.
As this core of self is acknowledged and tended over time, presence of self emerges. With this presence at hand, we tend to be well and strong.
History of Qi Gong
Qi Gong began long ago, 3000 to 5000 years, and appears to have originated in China. Qi Gong is the origin of all “martial arts.”
Qi Gong consists of simple movements, specialized breathing and practice of thought.
Qi Gong improves health and our “state of being.”
There are no secrets; there are not tricks. The doing of Qi Gong will teach you.
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Right here, at www.ImmortalNow.com, you can find your free Qi Gong videos for practice.