What do the 12 Steps to Immortality Do?
The 12 Steps activate our physical immortality taking us to the core of our being, the heart and soul of who we really are.
The Steps are a method for accessing our true identity.
At our core, we’re eternal, living as ourselves — in love, peace and strength — without end.
The 12 Steps to Immortality activate and express our eternal physical nature. We find ourselves; we claim our strength and live our finest quality.

12 Step Review
Each step of the 12 Steps takes us closer to who we are, the immortal physical reality of our being.
Step 1. We admitted we were powerless over hardship, pain and death, that our lives had become unmanageable.
Step 2. Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to immortality.
Step 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of a Greater Power as we understood It.
Step 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
Step 5. Admitted to our Greater Power, ourselves and another person, the exact nature of our wrongs.
Step 6. Were entirely ready to have a Greater Power remove our defects of character.
Step 7. Humbly asked our greater Power to remove our shortcomings.
Step 8. Made a list of all people we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.
Step 9. Made direct amends to people we had harmed, except when to do so would injure them or others.
Step 10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
Step 11. Took action to improve our conscious contact with the Greater Power of our understanding — seeking knowledge, understanding and grace.
Step 12. Having had an immortal awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message and practice these principles in every aspect of our lives.
Step One to Immortality
Step 1. We admitted we were powerless over hardship, pain and death, that our lives had become unmanageable.
In Step 1 we look at death and eternal life. We ask ourselves what we want: calamity, suffering and death; or a long-lived life of peace and strength?
We evaluate, in Step One, the direction we’ve been going, asking how our approach to living has hindered or helped us in an immortal way.
In Step One, we admit that the way we’ve been going — our approach to life and manner of thinking — have not been taking us in an immortal direction.
We look for something greater to take us to a better place. This better place is found in Step 2…
Step Two to Immortality
Step 2. Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to immortality.
In Step Two, we look for a better approach to life that can activate our immortal being — the core of who we are and the essence of life itself.
First, we believe and sense something more than death and hardship is possible. We look for something better than the world as it is: a better planet, physical body and state of mind.
We look for a new way of thinking and experiencing life that will take us to immortal being.
Belief is replaced by knowing and experiencing our true and immortal selves.
Step Three to Immortality
Step 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of a Greater Power as we understood It.
We a Greater Power, we have a new way of thinking and being that directs our life for the better in an effortless way. But we must choose to turn our grinding self-will over to a Greater Will within us and in the world.
How we use this Greater Will determines our success on the path toward immortality. We surrender a bit our selfishness, our worry, concern and over-riding will for a better way.
A gentle process of choosing life over death takes us to our core of immortal being and reveals a Presence greater than our previous perspective.
When we contact our core consciousness of immortality — the world changes for the better as do we.
When we physically ACT with eternal consciousness, immortality becomes a physical reality. Suffering, disease and death fall away as a wrong we no longer need to live.
Step Four to Immortality

Step 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
With Step 4, we take action, making a fearless inventory of ourselves.
You may say, “Why make a moral inventory; I’m a good person”? That’s a good question, one I had myself.
Your answer: The inventory is a method of becoming more self aware and in control of our lives.
Some of us have large transgressions we need to rectify; most of us have small and unconscious manners of harm we need to see.
The 4th Step Inventory is a tool we use to know ourselves and find our core of:
- Strength
- Happiness
- Physical Immortality
Why a Moral Inventory?

Our deep selves — the real you and I — are honest, pure and unafraid. Fully Present.
When we hide in dishonesty, with knowing or unconscious intent, we miss ourselves.
When we’re not authentic and being who we really are, we short-change our potential; lives of happiness, freedom and immortality seem remote.
Step 5 to Immortality
Step 5. Admitted to our Greater Power, ourselves and another person, the exact nature of our wrongs.
With Step 5, we get a really big pay-off by telling our life story.
We share our thoughts and feelings, both good and bad, with a person of trust and a Greater Power of our understanding.
As we tell our life story, we join the world in a wonderful way — getting the love, meaning and strength we’ve always wanted.
Step 5 awakens our conscience and gives us an accurate sense of self. Our conscience contains our greatest human power, our innermost resource and highest good.
Step 6 to Immortality
Step 6. Were entirely ready to have a Greater Power remove our defects of character.
Step Six to Immortality is about getting ready to ask for our “shortcomings” to be removed in Step Seven.
After Step Six, in Step Seven, we ask for something of our Greater Power.
By asking a Greater Power, we get a response.
We don’t get a response if we do not ask.
A Time to Get Ready
In Step Six, we don’t yet ask for anything of our Greater Power.
We only ask ourselves — have we done thorough Steps One through Five?
In Step Six, we make sure we’re ready for Step Seven.
In Step Seven we ask that our behaviors and thinking, our responses to life, be changed if they’re holding us back from happiness, health and physical immortality.
Step 7 to Immortality
Step 7. Humbly asked a Greater Power to remove our shortcomings.
We ask our Greater Power to remove our “shortcomings,” our qualities and reactions holding us back from success, happiness and growth.
We ask for help with things that are keeping us from physical immortality and eternal love.
By asking for immortality, by requesting the perfect love of our soul come alive, we set the universe in motion.
A simple request, heartfelt, gets a reaction.
Step 8 to Immortality
Step 8. Made a list of all people we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.
In Step 8 to Immortality, we gain strength by awakening our conscience. We get power for a life of joy, happiness and physical immortality.
We continue working on awareness, to understand both who-we-are and the power that we have in the world.
As our consciousness grows, we discover:
- True Awareness brings immortal power
- True Awareness has eternal love
We gain awareness by self examination, by reflecting on our thoughts and behavior.
To self examine, we ask: “Have we been helpful or harmful to ourselves and others”?
We further ask: “Are we going where we want to go”?
A New and Immortal Direction
When we change direction, a little every day, we turn ourselves around.
In Step 8, by “making a list and checking it twice,” we are Santa to ourselves. We gift ourselves with something wonderful, of perfect peace and love.
Step 9 to Immortality
Step 9. Made direct amends to people we had harmed, except when to do so would injure them or others.
Conscience takes us to the truth of who we are.
In Step 9 to Immortality, we make amends. We repay and repair the harm we’ve done.
We stand-up and make things right. We do what’s best and grow.
Conscience is self-awareness. Self-awareness activates our immortality
How to Be Alive with Immortality
To live with immortality — body, mind and soul — we need to access, understand and know our immortal selves. Conscience lets this happen.
Conscience gives us the ability to act from our Immortal Core, creating a world and body of immortality.
This Completes Our Review
This completes our review of Steps 1-9 of the 12 Steps to Immortality.
The 12 Steps lead us to our core of eternal being: the love, strength and power of who we are.
With the Steps, we activate our finest qualities and join with the world. We break self-defeating patterns, let go of fears and find our greatest joy.
In this joy and freedom we find through the 12 Steps, we see there is no need for death, suffering and disease. We find, instead, a world where we live and grow with benevolence and good.
Join us next week as we look at Step 10 to Immortality where we continue to take a personal inventory and right our wrongs as we live our lives.
We now have a conscience of immortality — growing in a healthy way — guiding us to a better life in every way!