Try this excerpt from our upcoming book: "The Secret to Immortality." Discover the power of your thoughts and spoken words. Learn how you create this physical reality.
To be immortal, forgive and love the world. Free yourself of injury, resentment and fear. Have a joyful life. This post will show you exactly how to do this.
Discover a Higher Power: a greater purpose, force and being in this world. This post, an excerpt from our upcoming book: "The Secret to Immortality," discusses the concept of a Higher Power and how I personally experience and use a Higher Power in my life.
Discover how forgiveness frees our soul to live unfettered, complete and immortal human lives. Try a technique to heal, forgive and let go of injuries still harming you. When we forgive, we heal. When we heal, we can feel our immortal core and live it into the world.
Sample Chapter Four from our upcoming book, "The Secret to Immortality." Discover how the world and our bodies respond to what we think, say and do. Know we're the one's in charge, making life what it is!
Discover how the Secret to Immortality can help with powerful healing and personal recovery. It has brought me back from certain death, given me strength and a wonderful life you too can have.
Discover: 1. The story of my past lives, 2. A life changing miracle, and 3. The Secret to Immortality. Understand the immortality process: how it works and specifically applies to your life.